GX Cube (334 cube)

A cube that is based on the 2008 TCG format of Yu-Gi-Oh!, before the Zombie World Structure deck was released and before Synchros were introduced to the game. 

Buy Cube
January 18, 2024
Cube List - Singleton Cube
Winged Beast
Sea Serpent
175 Effect Monster 1 Ritual Spell 17 Normal Monster 44 Normal Spell 10 Gemini Effect Monster 15 Flip Effect Monster 8 Equip Spell 20 Normal Trap 1 Xyz Effect Monster 9 Continuous Spell 15 Quick-Play Spell 5 Continuous Trap 2 Fusion Effect Monster 1 Tuner Effect Monster 1 Link Monster 1 Fusion Monster 3 Field Spell 2 Union Effect Monster 2 Counter Trap 1 Spirit Effect Monster
175 Effect Monster 1 Ritual Spell 17 Normal Monster 44 Normal Spell 10 Gemini Effect Monster 15 Flip Effect Monster 8 Equip Spell 20 Normal Trap 1 Xyz Effect Monster 9 Continuous Spell 15 Quick-Play Spell 5 Continuous Trap 2 Fusion Effect Monster 1 Tuner Effect Monster 1 Link Monster 1 Fusion Monster 3 Field Spell 2 Union Effect Monster 2 Counter Trap 1 Spirit Effect Monster
  • Abyss SoldierRare
  • Advanced Ritual ArtSuper Rare
  • Airknight ParshathCommon
  • Alector, Sovereign of BirdsRare
  • Alexandrite DragonRare
  • Allure of DarknessSuper Rare
  • Ancient Gear KnightCommon
  • Apprentice MagicianCommon
  • Aqua SpiritRare
  • Archfiend HeiressSuper Rare
  • Armageddon KnightSuper Rare
  • Arsenal SummonerRare
  • Autonomous Action UnitRare
  • Axe DragonuteCommon
  • Axe of DespairRare
  • Balance of JudgmentCommon
  • Banisher of the LightRare
  • Bazoo the Soul-EaterCommon
  • Berserk GorillaCommon
  • Big Bang ShotRare
  • Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening TwilightRare
  • Blade Armor NinjaUltra Rare
  • Blaze AcceleratorRare
  • Blue Dragon SummonerCommon
  • Blue-Eyes White DragonUltra Rare
  • Book of LifeRare
  • Book of Lunar EclipseSuper Rare
  • Book of MoonRare
  • Bottomless Trap HoleCommon
  • Brain ControlRare
  • Breaker the Magical WarriorRare
  • Burning AlgaeCommon
  • Caius the Shadow MonarchSuper Rare
  • Call of the HauntedSuper Rare
  • Cannon SoldierSuper Rare
  • Cannon Soldier MK-2Super Rare
  • Card DestructionUltra Rare
  • Card TrooperRare
  • Celestia, Lightsworn AngelRare
  • Change of HeartUltra Rare
  • Chaos BetrayerCommon
  • Chaos BurstRare
  • Chaos EndCommon
  • Chaos NecromancerRare
  • Chaos SorcererCommon
  • Chaos SpaceSuper Rare
  • Chaosrider GustaphRare
  • Charging Gaia the Fierce KnightSuper Rare
  • CodarusCommon
  • Command KnightRare
  • Compulsory Evacuation DeviceRare
  • Crowned by the World ChaliceCommon
  • Crush Card VirusRare
  • Cyber DragonRare
  • Cyber Dragon ZweiCommon
  • Cyber End DragonUltra Rare
  • Cyber GymnastRare
  • Cyber Harpie LadyCommon
  • Cyber-SteinUltra Rare
  • D.D. AssailantRare
  • D.D. Patrol PlaneCommon
  • D.D. SpriteRare
  • D.D. SurvivorRare
  • D.D. WarriorRare
  • D.D. Warrior LadyRare
  • DandylionUltra Rare
  • Dark Armed DragonSuper Rare
  • Dark CoreRare
  • Dark CrusaderCommon
  • Dark ElfCommon
  • Dark EruptionRare
  • Dark Eye NightmareRare
  • Dark General FreedRare
  • Dark GrepherSuper Rare
  • Dark HoleSuper Rare
  • Dark HunterRare
  • Dark Magic CurtainRare
  • Dark MagicianUltra Rare
  • Dark Magician of ChaosCommon
  • Dark MambeleCommon
  • Dark NephthysCommon
  • Dark SimorghSuper Rare
  • Dark ValkyriaCommon
  • Darklord Edeh AraeCommon
  • Darklord ZeratoRare
  • Darkness DestroyerRare
  • Darknight ParshathCommon
  • Dawnbreak GardnaCommon
  • Deep DiverRare
  • Des KoalaRare
  • Desert TwisterRare
  • Destiny HERO - DasherRare
  • Destiny HERO - DefenderCommon
  • Destiny HERO - Diamond DudeSuper Rare
  • Destiny HERO - Disk CommanderRare
  • DestroyersaurusCommon
  • Diabolos, King of the AbyssRare
  • Diabound KernelRare
  • Diskblade RiderRare
  • Double SummonCommon
  • Dragon IceRare
  • Dust TornadoRare
  • Earth Armor NinjaCommon
  • Ehren, Lightsworn MonkSuper Rare
  • Electromagnetic TurtleSuper Rare
  • Elegant EgotistCommon
  • Elemental HERO AvianCommon
  • Elemental HERO BurstinatrixCommon
  • Elemental HERO ClaymanCommon
  • Elemental HERO PrismaRare
  • Elemental HERO SparkmanCommon
  • Elemental HERO StratosUltra Rare
  • Emergency TeleportSuper Rare
  • Enemy ControllerCommon
  • Evocator ChevalierSuper Rare
  • Exiled ForceRare
  • Field-Commander RahzRare
  • Fiendish ChainRare
  • Fire Formation - GyokkouRare
  • Fire Formation - TenkiSuper Rare
  • Fire Formation - TensuRare
  • Fire Formation - YokoSuper Rare
  • FissureRare
  • Flame TigerCommon
  • Flamvell PounCommon
  • Foolish BurialUltra Rare
  • Forbidden ChaliceRare
  • Forbidden DressRare
  • Forbidden LanceSuper Rare
  • Forbidden ScriptureRare
  • Fury of Kairyu-ShinSuper Rare
  • Future FusionSuper Rare
  • Gaia Saber, the Lightning ShadowSuper Rare
  • Gaia The Fierce KnightCommon
  • Gaia the Dragon ChampionCommon
  • Gaia the Fierce Knight OriginCommon
  • Gaia, the Mid-Knight SunCommon
  • Gaia, the Polar KnightCommon
  • Garoth, Lightsworn WarriorCommon
  • Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron KnightRare
  • Gemini LancerCommon
  • Gemini SparkSuper Rare
  • Gemini SummonerCommon
  • Gene-Warped WarwolfRare
  • Giant RatCommon
  • Giant TrunadeUltra Rare
  • GigantesRare
  • GigaplantRare
  • GilasaurusSuper Rare
  • Gilford the LightningRare
  • Goblin Elite Attack ForceRare
  • Goblin Marauding SquadRare
  • Goblin ZombieRare
  • Gold SarcophagusUltra Rare
  • Golden Dragon SummonerCommon
  • Gorz the Emissary of DarknessSuper Rare
  • Graceful CharityUltra Rare
  • Gragonith, Lightsworn DragonCommon
  • Granmarg the Rock MonarchRare
  • Green Baboon, Defender of the ForestSuper Rare
  • Gren Maju Da EizaSuper Rare
  • Guardian Angel JoanRare
  • Gunkan Suship ShariRare
  • GyroidCommon
  • Harpie LadyCommon
  • Harpie Lady 1Rare
  • Harpie's Pet Baby DragonCommon
  • Harpies' Hunting GroundRare
  • Heavy Knight of the FlameRare
  • Heavy StormUltra Rare
  • Heavy Storm DusterSuper Rare
  • Icarus AttackSuper Rare
  • Il BludRare
  • InfernoRare
  • Injection Fairy LilySuper Rare
  • Jain, Lightsworn PaladinCommon
  • JinzoSuper Rare
  • Judgment DragonUltra Rare
  • Jurassic WorldCommon
  • Karma CutSuper Rare
  • Knight Day GrepherRare
  • Kycoo the Ghost DestroyerSuper Rare
  • Lady Assailant of FlamesCommon
  • Lady Ninja YaeCommon
  • Laval Magma CannoneerCommon
  • Lesser FiendRare
  • Light and Darkness DragonUltra Rare
  • Lightning VortexRare
  • Lightray DiabolosRare
  • Lightray GrepherCommon
  • Lightray SorcererRare
  • Limiter RemovalUltra Rare
  • Luna the Dark SpiritCommon
  • Lyla, Lightsworn SorceressSuper Rare
  • Machina FortressUltra Rare
  • Machina GearframeRare
  • Machina PeacekeeperCommon
  • Mage PowerRare
  • Magic CylinderSuper Rare
  • Magic DrainRare
  • Magical CylindersSuper Rare
  • Magical DimensionRare
  • Magical MalletRare
  • Magical ScientistUltra Rare
  • Magical Stone ExcavationUltra Rare
  • Magician of FaithRare
  • Magician of FaithfulnessSuper Rare
  • Malefic Blue-Eyes White DragonCommon
  • Malefic Red-Eyes Black DragonCommon
  • Man-Eater BugRare
  • Manticore of DarknessSuper Rare
  • Manticore of SmashingCommon
  • Marauding CaptainRare
  • MarshmallonRare
  • Mask of BrutalityRare
  • Mask of DarknessRare
  • Masked DragonCommon
  • Megalosmasher XRare
  • Metal Reflect SlimeCommon
  • Metaphys Armed DragonCommon
  • MetaverseUltra Rare
  • Mirror ForceSuper Rare
  • Mirror Force LauncherSuper Rare
  • Mobius the Frost MonarchRare
  • MojaCommon
  • Monster RebornUltra Rare
  • Monster Reborn RebornUltra Rare
  • Morphing JarUltra Rare
  • Mother GrizzlyCommon
  • My Body as a ShieldRare
  • Mystic TomatoCommon
  • Mystical Beast of SerketCommon
  • Mystical Space TyphoonRare
  • Necro GardnaRare
  • Neo-Spacian Grand MoleCommon
  • Night AssailantSuper Rare
  • Nightmare's SteelcageRare
  • Ninja Grandmaster HanzoSuper Rare
  • Ninja Grandmaster SasukeRare
  • Nobleman of CrossoutRare
  • Nobleman-Eater BugCommon
  • Nova SummonerCommon
  • Obelisk the TormentorUltra Rare
  • Offerings to the DoomedRare
  • Ojama TrioSuper Rare
  • Old Vindictive MagicianRare
  • Omega JudgmentCommon
  • Over Future Fusion
  • Overload FusionRare
  • Phantom GryphonRare
  • Pot of AvariceSuper Rare
  • Pot of DichotomySuper Rare
  • Pot of DualitySuper Rare
  • Pot of GreedUltra Rare
  • Premature BurialUltra Rare
  • Protector of the SanctuaryRare
  • Proto-Cyber DragonCommon
  • Pyramid TurtleRare
  • Raiza the Storm MonarchSuper Rare
  • Red-Eyes Black DragonUltra Rare
  • Reflect BounderRare
  • Reinforcement of the ArmyUltra Rare
  • Relinquished SpiderCommon
  • Return from the Different DimensionSuper Rare
  • Ring of DestructionRare
  • Rocket WarriorRare
  • Ryko, Lightsworn HunterRare
  • Sakuretsu ArmorCommon
  • SanganRare
  • ScapegoatUltra Rare
  • Scrounging GoblinSuper Rare
  • Shield CrushCommon
  • Shining AngelCommon
  • SilpheedRare
  • Simorgh, Bird of DivinityCommon
  • Sinister SerpentSuper Rare
  • Skilled Dark MagicianRare
  • SkreechCommon
  • Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon ChampionUltra Rare
  • Slate WarriorRare
  • Slifer the Sky DragonUltra Rare
  • Smashing GroundCommon
  • Snatch StealUltra Rare
  • Snipe HunterRare
  • Snowman EaterRare
  • Solemn JudgmentUltra Rare
  • Soul ExchangeRare
  • Spear CretinCommon
  • Spirit ReaperRare
  • Strike NinjaRare
  • Summoned SkullSuper Rare
  • Summoner MonkSuper Rare
  • Swift Birdman JoeCommon
  • Swords of Concealing LightRare
  • Swords of Revealing LightSuper Rare
  • Temple of the KingsSuper Rare
  • TerraformingUltra Rare
  • The Chorus in the SkyRare
  • The CreatorRare
  • The Cuckoo Commanded to CroonSuper Rare
  • The Dark - Hex-Sealed FusionRare
  • The Dark CreatorRare
  • The Fiend MegacyberRare
  • The Sanctuary in the SkyRare
  • The Shallow GraveRare
  • The Winged Dragon of RaUltra Rare
  • Thestalos the Firestorm MonarchRare
  • Tongue TwisterCommon
  • Torrential TributeRare
  • Tour Bus To Forbidden RealmsRare
  • Tour Guide From the UnderworldUltra Rare
  • TragoediaCommon
  • Treeborn FrogUltra Rare
  • Tribute to the DoomedRare
  • TsukuyomiRare
  • Tuned MagicianRare
  • Twin-Headed BehemothRare
  • UFO TurtleCommon
  • Ultimate OfferingUltra Rare
  • Unexpected DaiSuper Rare
  • United We StandUltra Rare
  • Upstart GoblinUltra Rare
  • Vampire DragonCommon
  • Vampire LordCommon
  • Volcanic QueenRare
  • Volcanic RocketSuper Rare
  • Volcanic SlicerCommon
  • Windstorm of EtaquaRare
  • Witch of the Black ForestSuper Rare
  • Wulf, Lightsworn BeastRare
  • Yellow Baboon, Archer of the ForestRare
  • Zaborg the Thunder MonarchRare
  • Zeradias, Herald of HeavenRare