Comment from Young-Jah

2 years ago
rebornthejam - 4 months ago
Young-Jah - 4 months ago Again, there was also plans for Akiza to have a Arcadia Movement Mini Arc, but the negativity of all Roma Sophie Cult media scrutiny had continued it's malevolent around Japanese Broadcast, and TV Tokyo, NAS, and Gallop knew that they had no choice but to scrapped and canceled those plans, and the Movement, as well as Divine/Sayer would never be mentioned in the series again, and it remains to this day as one of the reasons why Aki was shafted down in the series.
That myth has been debunked a long time ago. By the time the Roma Sophie story broke (2010), 5D's had long since put the Arcadia Movement aside and by the time of Carly's recast she'd already long since been sidelined as a character. 5D's had already made the sci-fi transition.

Aki just got shafted because the writers didn't know what to do with her because they wanted to play with Crow and Bruno instead.

Yu-Gi-Oh 10th Anniversary character animation book even hinted this.
Wait, hold on?
1. why would they had the Movement be put aside, cause after the Dark Signers Arc had wrapped up, everything went into peace time, The Satellite and Neo Domino City bridge was finally built, Kalin and Misty were brought back, but the only thing that was missing was Arcadia and Divine, the only time their mention is during Season 3 by Aki when discussing Iliaster, however i don't know which episode and or what version does it exist, the OG Japanese dub or the 4kids dub.
The second time is in Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force 5 and Arc-V Tag Force Special, in fact, Arc-V Tag Force Special actually used the scrapped Acadia Movement story arc for Aki's story event mode, as it also used a scrapped duel between Aki vs Divine that we never got in the anime.

2. How do you know the 10th anniversary character animation guide book even hinted it, can you link it to me?