Popular Articles By Todash19 Yu-Gi-Oh! Articles

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Articles by todash19
Why Were They Banned? Part 5: Updates to the List Welcome back to the Banlist series! There have been quite a few changes to the list from when I first released the original series. For this article,
- 4 years ago
42,378 5
Articles by todash19
Orcustrating a History: Post Mermaid Woes to CHIM Welcome back to this retelling of Orcust history! We last left off on the craziness that was Knightmare Mermaid post Bardiche ban.
- 4 years ago
4,811 0
Articles by todash19
Orcustrating a History: From Release to the Fall of Bardiche Orcust, the bunch of musical instruments we have all grown to love, is an archetype of DARK Machines. The whole playstyle revolves around utilizing th
- 4 years ago
8,416 0
Articles by todash19
Orcustrating A New Gameplan: Why You Should Still Play Orcusts The Orcust deck is still a good deck to play competitively. In this article, I will explain why it is still present in the competitive metagame.
- 4 years ago
5,791 0
Articles by todash19
Erratas: What They Are, How They Work, and Why They Are Important If you have been playing Yu-Gi-Oh for more than a few months, you've probably heard the term "errata" tossed about here and there. If the first thing
- 4 years ago
10,543 0
Articles by todash19
Why Were They Banned? Part 4: Banned Trap Cards For this article, we will be taking it a bit easier. There are only 9 traps currently on the list. Therefore, I will just be going through this sectio
- 4 years ago
16,454 0
Articles by todash19
Why Were They Banned? Part 3: Spell Cards Welcome back to the Yugioh Banlist article series. Hope you enjoyed the previous one on the banned Extra Deck monsters. For this article, we will be g
- 4 years ago
30,696 1
Articles by todash19
Why Were They Banned? Part 2: Extra Deck Monsters Welcome back! In the last article I did, I discussed the Main Deck Monsters that Konami banned. For this section, we will focus on the Extra Deck mons
- 4 years ago
35,222 1
Articles by todash19
Why Were They Banned? Part 1: Main Deck Monsters If you are a player who participates in tournaments, you are most likely familiar with the Forbidden and Limited Lists. Every few months or so, Konami
- 4 years ago
42,671 7
Articles by todash19
Trash or Treasure? A Look at How DANE Succeeded where Others Fail It is the day of the official release of the newest Yu-Gi-Oh! booster set. You head over to your closest OTS to purchase a box for yourself, smelling
- 4 years ago
3,885 0
Articles by todash19
Weird Techs, or Hidden Gold? Whenever Konami releases a new banlist, one can count on the creativity of the players in finding out what the new “flavor of the format” deck is. Alo
- 5 years ago
5,412 0
Articles by todash19
Banlist Excitement and Fears: How Much Should We Actually Worry? When a banlist is rumored to be released, predictions for what will be hit are always interesting to see. Whether one thinks that Firewall Dragon‘s ba
- 5 years ago
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