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Vylon Vanguard

Views: 16,813 Views this Week: 0

Card Text

When this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: You can draw 1 card for each Equip Card that was equipped to this card.

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Cards similar to Vylon Vanguard
Card: Vanguard of the DragonCard: Kelbek the Ancient VanguardCard: Vylon SphereCard: Beiige, Vanguard of Dark WorldCard: Gizmek Yata, the Gleaming VanguardCard: Vanguard of the Underground EmperorCard: Vylon AlphaCard: Vylon Tesseract
Decks with Vylon Vanguard
Banlist History for Vylon Vanguard
No Banlist Data for this Card.
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