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Training Fur Hire, Fur All Your Training Needs

Views: 60,117 Views this Week: 101

Card Text

If a face-up monster(s) "Fur Hire" you control is destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect: You can target 1 of those monsters; Special Summon 1 monster "Fur Hire" from your Deck, whose Level is lower than that target's original Level. You can only use this effect of "Training Fur Hire, Fur All Your Training Needs" once per turn.

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Cards similar to Training Fur Hire, Fur All Your Training Needs
Card: Beat, Bladesman Fur HireCard: Filo, Messenger Fur HireCard: Bravo, Fighter Fur HireCard: Seal, Strategist Fur HireCard: Helmer, Helmsman Fur HireCard: Rafale, Champion Fur HireCard: Donpa, Marksman Fur HireCard: Rex, Freight Fur Hire
Decks with Training Fur Hire, Fur All Your Training Needs
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