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The Despair Uranus

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Card Text

When this card is Tribute Summoned while you control no Spell/Trap Cards: You can activate this effect; your opponent declares either Continuous Spell or Continuous Trap, then you Set 1 card of that type directly from your Deck. This card gains 300 ATK for each face-up Spell/Trap Card you control. Face-up cards in your Spell & Trap Zone cannot be destroyed by card effects.

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Cards similar to The Despair Uranus
Card: The Agent of Entropy - UranusCard: Exchange of Despair and HopeCard: Archfiend's Staff of DespairCard: Axe of DespairCard: Despair from the DarkCard: Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying KingCard: Argostars - Glorious AdraCard: Superheavy Samurai Thief
Decks with The Despair Uranus
Banlist History for The Despair Uranus
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