Common CharityTCGOCG

Red Reboot

Views: 942,760 Views this Week: 809

Card Text

When your opponent activates a Trap Card: Negate the activation, and if you do, Set that card face-down, then they can Set 1 other Trap directly from their Deck. For the rest of this turn after this card resolves, your opponent cannot activate Trap Cards. You can activate this card from your hand by paying half your LP.

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Cards similar to Red Reboot
Card: Assault RebootCard: RebootCard: Bahalutiya, the Grand RadianceCard: Tyrant Red Dragon ArchfiendCard: Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King CalamityCard: Red-Eyes Black Fullmetal DragonCard: Red-Eyes Metal Claw DragonCard: Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon
Decks with Red Reboot
Banlist History for Red Reboot
Banlist Date Status Type
2025-02-06 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2025-01-01 Semi-Limited OCG-AE
2024-12-09 Forbidden TCG
2024-12-06 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-11-07 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-11-01 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-10-28 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-10-10 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-10-01 Limited OCG
2024-09-12 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-09-02 Forbidden TCG
2024-08-08 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-07-29 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-07-11 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-07-01 Limited OCG
2024-06-07 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-05-01 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-04-15 Forbidden TCG
2024-04-11 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-04-01 Limited OCG
2024-03-08 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-02-07 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-01-10 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2024-01-01 Forbidden TCG
2024-01-01 Limited OCG
2023-12-05 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-11-09 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-10-10 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-10-01 Limited OCG
2023-09-25 Forbidden TCG
2023-09-01 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-08-10 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-07-01 Forbidden World Championship
2023-07-01 Limited OCG
2023-07-01 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-06-08 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-06-05 Forbidden TCG
2023-05-01 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-04-10 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-04-01 Limited OCG
2023-03-09 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-02-14 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-02-13 Forbidden TCG
2023-02-06 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-01-01 Limited OCG
2022-12-01 Forbidden TCG
2022-10-03 Forbidden TCG
2022-10-01 Limited OCG
2022-07-01 Limited OCG
2022-05-17 Limited TCG
2022-04-01 Limited OCG
2022-02-07 Limited TCG
2022-01-01 Limited OCG
2021-10-01 Limited TCG
2021-10-01 Limited OCG
2021-07-01 Limited TCG
2021-07-01 Limited OCG
2021-04-01 Limited OCG
2021-03-15 Limited TCG
2021-01-01 Limited OCG
2020-12-15 Limited TCG
2020-10-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2020-09-14 Limited TCG
2020-07-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2020-06-15 Limited TCG
2020-04-20 Limited TCG
2020-04-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2020-01-20 Limited TCG
2020-01-01 Semi-Limited OCG
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