Protector of the Sanctuary

Views: 64,442 Views this Week: 202

Card Text

Your opponent cannot draw cards except during Draw Phases.

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Cards similar to Protector of the Sanctuary
Card: Mind ProtectorCard: Secret Sanctuary of the SpellcastersCard: Dark SanctuaryCard: Photon SanctuaryCard: Armed Protector DragonCard: Alsei, the Sylvan High ProtectorCard: Lyrilusc - Bird SanctuaryCard: Fiend's Sanctuary
Decks with Protector of the Sanctuary
Banlist History for Protector of the Sanctuary
Banlist Date Status Type
2007-03-01 Limited TCG
2007-03-01 Limited OCG
2006-09-01 Limited TCG
2006-09-01 Limited OCG
2006-03-01 Limited TCG
2006-03-01 Limited OCG
2005-09-01 Limited TCG
2005-09-01 Limited OCG
2005-08-17 Limited Goat
2005-03-01 Limited TCG
2005-03-01 Limited OCG
2004-09-01 Limited TCG
2004-09-01 Limited OCG
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