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Nobledragon Magician

Views: 171,344 Views this Week: 0

Pendulum Text

Unless you have a "Magician" card in your other Pendulum Zone, destroy this card.

Card Text

Cannot be used as Synchro Material, except for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon Synchro Monster. If this card is used as Synchro Material, unless all other Synchro Materials are "Odd-Eyes" monsters, place this card on the bottom of the Deck. If this card is in your hand or GY: You can target 1 Level 7 or higher "Odd-Eyes" monster you control; reduce its Level by 3, and if you do, Special Summon this card.

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Cards similar to Nobledragon Magician
Card: Odd-Eyes Absolute DragonCard: Dark Magician the Magician of Black MagicCard: Dark Magician Girl the Magician's ApprenticeCard: Odd-Eyes Wizard DragonCard: Harmonizing MagicianCard: Performapal Odd-Eyes ButlerCard: Performapal Odd-Eyes ValetCard: Performapal Odd-Eyes Seer
Decks with Nobledragon Magician
Banlist History for Nobledragon Magician
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