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Card Text

During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

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Decks with Miscellaneousaurus
Banlist History for Miscellaneousaurus
Banlist Date Status Type
2024-12-09 Limited TCG
2024-09-02 Limited TCG
2024-04-15 Limited TCG
2024-01-01 Limited TCG
2023-09-25 Limited TCG
2023-07-01 Limited World Championship
2023-06-05 Limited TCG
2023-02-13 Limited TCG
2022-12-01 Limited TCG
2022-10-03 Limited TCG
2022-05-17 Limited TCG
2022-02-07 Limited TCG
2021-10-01 Limited TCG
2021-07-01 Limited TCG
2019-01-28 Limited TCG
2018-12-03 Limited TCG
2018-09-17 Limited TCG
2018-05-21 Limited TCG
2018-02-05 Limited TCG
2017-11-06 Limited TCG
2017-09-18 Limited TCG
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