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Card Text

3 monsters, including a "Maliss" monster
(Quick Effect): You can target 1 of your banished "Maliss" cards; shuffle it into the Deck, and if you do, banish 1 card on the field. This effect's activation and effect cannot be negated if this card points to a monster. If this card is banished: You can pay 900 LP; Special Summon this card, and if you do, its ATK becomes doubled. You can only use each effect of "Maliss HEARTS OF CRYPTER" once per turn.

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Cards similar to Maliss Q HEARTS OF CRYPTER
Card: Maliss Q RED RANSOMCard: Maliss Q WHITE BINDERCard: Maliss In UndergroundCard: Maliss P DormouseCard: Maliss P Cheshire CatCard: Maliss C TB-11Card: Maliss P White RabbitCard: Maliss C MTP-07
Decks with Maliss Q HEARTS OF CRYPTER
Banlist History for Maliss Q HEARTS OF CRYPTER
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