Maha Vailo, Light of the Heavens

Views: 22,834 Views this Week: 101

Card Text

This card gains the following effect(s), based on the number of Equip Cards equipped to it.
● 1+: Gains 1000 ATK for each Equip Card equipped to it.
● 2+: Your opponent cannot activate monster effects during the Battle Phase.
● 3+: When your opponent's card or effect is activated that targets this card (Quick Effect): You can send 1 Equip Card you control to the GY; negate that effect.
● 4+: Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects during the Battle Phase.
● 5+: Any battle damage this card inflicts to your opponent is doubled.

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Cards similar to Maha Vailo, Light of the Heavens
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Decks with Maha Vailo, Light of the Heavens
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