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Legendary Atlantean Tridon

Views: 68,387 Views this Week: 101

Card Text

You can Tribute this card and 1 Sea Serpent-Type monster; Special Summon 1 "Poseidra, the Atlantean Dragon" from your hand or Deck, then all monsters your opponent currently controls lose 300 ATK.

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Cards similar to Legendary Atlantean Tridon
Card: Atlantean DragoonsCard: Poseidra, the Atlantean DragonCard: Abysstrite, the Atlantean SpiritCard: Abyssrhine, the Atlantean SpiritCard: Poseidra Abyss, the Atlantean Dragon LordCard: Atlantean MarksmanCard: Atlantean Heavy InfantryCard: Atlantean Attack Squad
Decks with Legendary Atlantean Tridon
Banlist History for Legendary Atlantean Tridon
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