Infernoid Tierra

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Card Text

"Infernoid Onuncu" + "Infernoid Devyaty" + 1 or more "Infernoid" monsters
When this card is Fusion Summoned, you can: Apply these effects, in sequence, depending on the number of Fusion Materials with different names used for this card's Summon;
● 3 or more: Each player sends 3 cards from their Extra Deck to the Graveyard.
● 5 or more: Each player sends the top 3 cards from their Deck to the Graveyard.
● 8 or more: Each player returns up to 3 of their banished cards to the Graveyard.
● 10 or more: Each player sends their entire hand to the Graveyard.

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Cards similar to Infernoid Tierra
Card: Infernoid EvilCard: Tierra, Source of DestructionCard: Infernoid FloodCard: Infernoid DecatronCard: Infernoid TokenCard: Infernoid AttondelCard: Infernoid SjetteCard: Infernoid Onuncu
Decks with Infernoid Tierra
Banlist History for Infernoid Tierra
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