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Igknight Veteran

Views: 52,149 Views this Week: 101

Pendulum Text

If you have an "Igknight" card in your other Pendulum Zone: You can destroy both cards in your Pendulum Zones, and if you do, add 1 FIRE Warrior-Type monster from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.

Card Text

''This grizzled leader of the bodyguards division acts as chaperone to the Cavalier, and is one of the few complainers about her recklessness (mostly to the Gallant, the only one who understands him).''

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Cards similar to Igknight Veteran
Card: Igknight CavalierCard: Igknight GallantCard: Igknight CrusaderCard: Power Pro Lady SistersCard: Igknight ChampionCard: Igknight LancerCard: Igknight ReloadCard: Igknight Templar
Decks with Igknight Veteran
Banlist History for Igknight Veteran
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