Ido the Supreme Magical Force

Views: 33,010 Views this Week: 909

Card Text

You cannot Summon monsters. You can only control 1 "Ido the Supreme Magical Force". If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon it from your Graveyard during the next turn's Standby Phase and destroy all other monsters you control.

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Cards similar to Ido the Supreme Magical Force
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Decks with Ido the Supreme Magical Force
Banlist History for Ido the Supreme Magical Force
Banlist Date Status Type
2025-03-06 Forbidden Master Duel
2025-02-06 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-12-06 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-11-07 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-11-01 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-10-28 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-10-10 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-09-12 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-08-08 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-07-11 Forbidden Master Duel
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