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Gravekeeper's Nobleman

Views: 59,134 Views this Week: 202

Card Text

When this card you control is destroyed by battle with an opponent's attacking monster and sent to your Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 "Gravekeeper's" monster from your Deck in face-down Defense Position, except "Gravekeeper's Nobleman".

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Cards similar to Gravekeeper's Nobleman
Card: Gravekeeper's VisionaryCard: Gravekeeper's SupernaturalistCard: Nobleman of CrossoutCard: Nobleman of ExterminationCard: Gravekeeper's HeadmanCard: Nobleman-Eater BugCard: Gravekeeper's TrapCard: Gravekeeper's Shaman
Decks with Gravekeeper's Nobleman
Banlist History for Gravekeeper's Nobleman
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