Eternal Perfection of the Tenyi

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Card Text

When this card is activated: You can add 1 "Vessel for the Dragon Cycle" or "Heavenly Dragon Circle" from your Deck to your hand. You can Tribute 1 Wyrm monster, then target 1 monster on the field; destroy it. You can only use this effect of "Eternal Perfection of the Tenyi" once per turn. Once per turn, during your End Phase: You can send this card to the GY, and if you do, place 1 "Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi" from your Deck or GY face-up in your Field Zone. You can only activate 1 "Eternal Perfection of the Tenyi" per turn.

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Cards similar to Eternal Perfection of the Tenyi
Card: Flawless Perfection of the TenyiCard: Simorgh, Bird of PerfectionCard: Heavenly Dragon CircleCard: Shaman of the TenyiCard: Herald of PerfectionCard: Tenyi Spirit - SuryaCard: Tenyi Spirit - SahasraraCard: Vessel for the Dragon Cycle
Decks with Eternal Perfection of the Tenyi
Banlist History for Eternal Perfection of the Tenyi
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