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Disciple of the Forbidden Spell

Views: 48,892 Views this Week: 101

Card Text

When this card is Summoned, declare different Monster Card Attributes equal to the number of "Disciple of the Forbidden Spell"(s) in your Graveyard. If this card attacks a monster that has a declared Attribute, destroy the monster with this card's effect without applying damage calculation.

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Cards similar to Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Card: Flash of the Forbidden SpellCard: Cursed Seal of the Forbidden SpellCard: Branded DiscipleCard: Neiroy, the Dream Mirror DiscipleCard: Disciple of NephthysCard: Link DiscipleCard: Ra's DiscipleCard: Forbidden Apocrypha
Decks with Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Banlist History for Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
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