Disaster, Dragon Ruler of Paranormalities

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Card Text

2 Rank 7 monsters
If this card is Xyz Summoned: You can target up to 4 Level 7 "Dragon Ruler" monsters in your GY and/or banishment; attach them to this card as material, then you can banish all monsters your opponent controls and in their GY with the same Attributes as the monsters attached to this card. You can only use this effect of "Disaster, Dragon Ruler of Paranormalities" once per turn. If this card has LIGHT, DARK, EARTH, WATER, FIRE, and WIND "Dragon Ruler" monsters as material, it gains 4600 ATK/DEF, also it is unaffected by other cards' effects.

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Decks with Disaster, Dragon Ruler of Paranormalities
Banlist History for Disaster, Dragon Ruler of Paranormalities
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