Duel LinksTCGOCG

Dharma-Eye Magician

Views: 46,605 Views this Week: 202

Pendulum Text

Once per turn: You can reveal 1 Pendulum Monster in your hand, then target 1 "Magician" card in your Pendulum Zone; that target's Pendulum Scale becomes the same as the revealed Pendulum Monster's, until the end of this turn (even if this card leaves the field).

Card Text

While this Pendulum Summoned card is on the field, "Magician" Pendulum Monsters you control cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects during the turn this card was Pendulum Summoned.

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Cards similar to Dharma-Eye Magician
Card: Dark Magician Girl the Magician's ApprenticeCard: Dark Magician the Magician of Black MagicCard: Cubic DharmaCard: Dharma CannonCard: Magician's SalvationCard: Wisdom-Eye MagicianCard: Harmonizing MagicianCard: Magician of Dark Illusion
Decks with Dharma-Eye Magician
Banlist History for Dharma-Eye Magician
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