Dark Sea Serpent - Dryagle

Views: 3,535 Views this Week: 303

Card Text

If you have 3 or more Level 10 monsters on your field, GY, and/or banishment: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Special Summoned: You can send the top card of your Deck to the GY; this card gains 500 ATK, then, if the sent card was a monster, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. Otherwise, you can send the top card of your Deck to the GY. You can only use each effect of "Dark Sea Serpent - Dryagle" once per turn.

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Cards similar to Dark Sea Serpent - Dryagle
Card: Sea Serpent Warrior of DarknessCard: Sacred Serpent's WakeCard: Divine Serpent GehCard: Loud Cloud the Storm SerpentCard: Arionpos, Serpent of the GhotiCard: Supreme Sovereign Serpent of GolgondaCard: Ogdoadic Serpent StrikeCard: T.G. Screw Serpent
Decks with Dark Sea Serpent - Dryagle
Banlist History for Dark Sea Serpent - Dryagle
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