Dark Scorpion Combination

Views: 48,242 Views this Week: 101

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You can only activate this card when there are "Don Zaloog", "Cliff the Trap Remover", "Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow", "Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong", and "Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn" face-up on your side of the field. During this turn, any of these 5 cards can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. In that case, the Battle Damage inflicted to your opponent by each of those cards becomes 400 points.

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Cards similar to Dark Scorpion Combination
Card: No One Suspects the Dark Scorpion Gang!Card: Dark Scorpion - Meanae the ThornCard: Dark Scorpion - Cliff the Trap RemoverCard: Combination AttackCard: Dark Scorpion - Chick the YellowCard: Dark Scorpion - Gorg the StrongCard: Union CombinationCard: Magicians' Combination
Decks with Dark Scorpion Combination
Banlist History for Dark Scorpion Combination
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