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Bujin Hiruko

Views: 43,832 Views this Week: 101

Pendulum Text

You can banish this card in your Pendulum Zone, then target 1 "Bujin" Xyz Monster you control; Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 "Bujin" Xyz Monster with a different name, by using that target as the Xyz Material. (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz Summon. Xyz Materials attached to it also become Xyz Materials on the Summoned monster.)

Card Text

''Imprisoned after a showdown with "Bujin Hirume" over the Sky Throne, this master schemer eventually escaped by manipulating Hirume and creating the sinister "Bujinki Amaterasu", then went on to almost engulf the world in darkness, but was finally defeated by Yamato and his allies.''

TCGplayer Sets

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Cards similar to Bujin Hiruko
Card: Bujin HirumeCard: Bujin YamatoCard: Bujin ArasudaCard: Bujin Regalia - The MirrorCard: Bujin MikazuchiCard: Bujin MahitotsuCard: Bujin Regalia - The SwordCard: Bujin Torifune
Decks with Bujin Hiruko
Banlist History for Bujin Hiruko
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