Beargram, Shelled Emperor of the Forest Crown

Views: 70,204 Views this Week: 505

Card Text

Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand or GY) by banishing 3 Insect and/or Plant monsters from your hand and/or GY. You can only Special Summon "Beargram, Shelled Emperor of the Forest Crown" once per turn. Your opponent cannot activate monster effects in response to your Spell/Trap Card or effect activation. Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can destroy all face-up monsters on the field, except Insect and Plant monsters, also this card cannot attack directly for the rest of this turn.

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Decks with Beargram, Shelled Emperor of the Forest Crown
Banlist History for Beargram, Shelled Emperor of the Forest Crown
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