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Aqua Armor Ninja

Views: 36,855 Views this Week: 0

Card Text

When your opponent's monster declares a direct attack, if you have another "Ninja" monster in your Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard to target the attacking monster; negate that attack.

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Cards similar to Aqua Armor Ninja
Card: Yaguramaru the Armor NinjaCard: Twilight Ninja ShingetsuCard: Mitsu the Insect NinjaCard: Meizen the Battle NinjaCard: Kagero the Cannon NinjaCard: Masked Ninja EbisuCard: Twilight Ninja Getsuga, the ShogunCard: Blade Armor Ninja
Decks with Aqua Armor Ninja
Banlist History for Aqua Armor Ninja
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