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Abyss Soldier

Views: 135,839 Views this Week: 506

Card Text

Once per turn: You can discard 1 WATER monster to the Graveyard to target 1 card on the field; return it to the hand.

TCGplayer Sets

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Cards similar to Abyss Soldier
Card: Black Luster Soldier - Super SoldierCard: Black Luster Soldier - Sacred SoldierCard: Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of ChaosCard: Abyss Script - Rise of the Abyss KingCard: Abyss WarriorCard: Poseidra Abyss, the Atlantean Dragon LordCard: Abyss SharkCard: Abyss-team
Decks with Abyss Soldier
Banlist History for Abyss Soldier
Banlist Date Status Type
2005-09-01 Semi-Limited TCG
2005-09-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2005-08-17 Semi-Limited Goat
2005-03-01 Semi-Limited TCG
2005-03-01 Semi-Limited OCG
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