Converging Wishes

Views: 31,495 Views this Week: 101
  • Type Trap Card
  • TCG Date 2017-03-30
  • OCG Date 2017-02-11

Card Text

If you have 5 or more Dragon-Type Synchro Monsters with different names in your Graveyard: Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck (this is treated as a Synchro Summon), but banish it during the End Phase. Equip it with this card. While equipped, it gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of all Dragon-Type Synchro Monsters in your Graveyard. Also while equipped, when it destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can banish 1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster from your Graveyard; it can attack an opponent's monster again in a row.

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