Welcome back to another edition of Budget YGO! We'll be checking out some nice Normal Trap cards to use that are inexpensive. They are good choices that don't bust your wallet.
Trap Trick receiving a common printing from Structure Deck certainly helps too! It can work well with all of the options here but isn't required.
Paleozoic Dinomischus
Paleozoic Dinomischus has made quite the name for itself in recent times. This prehistoric fellow managed several tops in other decks in the past year or two.
It has always found decent success in Paleozoic Frog decks but acts as a fine generic card for other decks too!
Dino's removal certainly is a strong one, able to banish problematic threats before they become a problem. As long as the card can be targeted, this Paleozoic can get rid of it without a sweat!
The discard might seem like a downside, making it a -1 in card economy but most decks that run this card can turn that to their advantage!
For its own deck, they can chain another Paleo or discard something that wants to be in the GY anyway to offset the discard. In other decks like Burning Abyss and Shaddoll this effect comes up more, reaping great benefits as well!
It's also worth noting that the second effect can come in handy too, giving you free material to help climb with your plays or to help chump block if necessary. While normally leading to Toadally Awesome
in its native deck, options like Link Spider work just fine.
Lastly, dino doesn't discard if it gets negated! You can use this fact to help weave through multiple interruptions by forcing stuff out with it.
Torrential Tribute
Torrential Tribute is a classic card that returns back to form as a decent budget option for more control-centered decks! This used to be a limited powerhouse back in the day and could win out games on its own.
Now the game's pace has progressed to where it's not thought about much, but it can be considered as a sleeper pick. TT can shred through attempted board creation and stop them right in their tracks if timed properly.
Not a lot of decks can really force it out, and if you have proper knowledge you can fire it before they could set up a negation! The fact that it's also at three means you'll see it more often.
This is because most decks don't really account for it anymore in favor of worrying about cards like Nibiru. You could lull your opponent into a false sense of safety until it's too late and TT scores destruction on multiple monsters.
Going second if paired with cards like Solemn Strike or Dinowrestler Pankratops, it can weave through tough board states and wipe the field.
Fury of Kairyu-Shin is an interesting option that directly grabs this card and can even make it one-sided provided you're running a WATER-based deck. It may be telegraphed, but the opponent is also hard-pressed to deal with the known threat in the meantime.
Torrential is an underrated trap that has been seeing some fringe play in decks like Paleozoic, Eldlich, and Altergeist and is quite decent enough to stand on its own especially on a budget.
Heavy Storm Duster
Heavy Storm Duster packs quite a wallop if used correctly in the right matchup! If the opponent packs a deck that has lots of Spell/Traps to get rid of, duster gets to go in super hard.
It has quite a lot of tops to back itself up and is always a fairly reliable choice in the Side Deck. Cards like Absolute King Back Jack and Trap Trick boost it unlike any other too. Once set up, you can use these cards to fire a surprise Duster that's very hard to respond to!
While HSD may be slower than Twin Twister, it comes with the benefit of not needing a discard which is handy as not all decks can afford this cost.
The battle phase restriction also shouldn't come up too often if you look into it further. This is because you'll be using this during the opponent's turn to disrupt their plays or mow through floodgates and pendulum scales without a sweat. Another play is to snipe through double sets and go +1 overall!
Duster might not be the flashiest card, but its reliability makes it a strong choice in the side! It also comes in very cheap printings!
Artifact Sanctum
Artifact Sanctum used to be an expensive pick, but the recent reprint in BLAR has finally made it a valid choice as a budget option. Sanctum allows you to access the power of Artifact monsters which can completely blow the opponent out!
The strongest option available is Artifact Scythe, able to lock the opponent out of the Extra Deck! Most if not all decks rely on the Extra Deck, so this is a powerful weapon to have on hand. Artifact Lancea is another key player that shuts down banishing strategies for the turn too.
Artifact Moralltach isn't as strong as the other two but it's still a free body that destroys a card without targeting that is fairly serviceable. Moralltach can shine in cases where the other two can't, so it's still worth keeping in mind.
A possible side setup would be 3 Sanctum, and 1 of each of these Artifacts as an example.
Sanctum also gives you a slight bonus should the opponent destroy it in an attempt to clear out your backrow.
All in all, a very flexible card that can generate a lot of advantage and stop the opponent right in their tracks. It can be stopped by cards like Ash Blossom, so be mindful when using it.
Honorable Mentions
There are a lot of other decent budget normal traps to consider too! Lost Wind and Compulsory Evacuation Device come to mind as nice disruption. Should the format get slower, these two can shine brightly as lucrative options.
The duo of Dimensional Barrier and Different Dimension Ground can also make some waves in some side decks, able to end entire turns against several decks.
Ice Dragon's Prison is a new and powerful option, but its price is rather unstable at the moment. Definitely keep an eye for this one though! IDP boasts considerable versatility and offers non-targeting double removal for the trouble or a free monster with some caveats.
And there you have it, folks, another episode of Budget YGO completed. Join us next time as we check out Extra Deck staples that don't burn the wallet! What's your favorite trap on the list?