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Mythical Endymion Again Experimenting to increase consistency here--might have made some questionable decisions,,, let me know what you guys think
- 3 years ago
3,641 0
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570 750
Endymion/Mythical Beasts Third update to my Endymion deck. I honestly just change it every time I hit a losing streak and then post it on here if it successfully breaks my los
- 4 years ago
4,936 0
Non-Meta Decks
480 750
Mythical Endymion An update on an Endymion/Mythical Beast deck I did last week. After using it for a minute (and watching more of Pend God's videos) I made a few adjust
- 4 years ago
3,403 5
Fun/Casual Decks
570 690
Pendulum Spellcaster Deck Made some changes to one of pend god trif's recent deck profiles... thoughts? Would appreciate any helpful comments.
- 4 years ago
9,577 0
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420 810
Dark Magician Deck (Dragoon-less) Wanted to make a Dragoon-less DM deck in case it ever gets banned. Fairly new to yugioh but I'm just applying what I've learned from videos and other
- 4 years ago
2,831 2