@Ignister Burn OTK - Easily 8600 of DamageIgnister with its new support has become a much more reliable deck to use, but they have their secret strat of powerful Burn effects which can easily
- 3 years ago
4,610 21
Non-Meta Decks
600 390
Yosenju Control - Boys to the HandThe control variant of Yosenju can interrupt the opponent's game, gain a lot of resources easily and remove problematic monsters in a simple way, with
- 3 years ago
2,417 0
Fun/Casual Decks
480 600
Fire King - Tactical Nuke Incoming!!!If you want to have fun time with a quiet Deck and not so Combo Oriented, this is one of the best decks without being Stun.
Photon Control - The Other Side of a GalaxyGalaxy / Photon is a deck that normally sits on OTKing and hitting hard, but when you look at the other side of the cards a slower version might be mo