Yu-Gi-Oh! In-Depth KOG Deck Guide Hazy ControlIncredibly annoying due to having inherent card effect protection, Hazy Flame has been able to keep up with the times. By playing Hazy Flames, you’ll
Henry Ngan
- 6 years ago
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Yu-Gi-Oh! In-Depth KOG Deck Guide MagnetsWith the right bits of interaction and straightforwardness, playing a Magnet deck can be extremely satisfying.Since Magnets have tons of support in Yu
Henry Ngan
- 6 years ago
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Yu-Gi-Oh! In-Depth KOG Deck Guide Masked HEROsJust like in the real life Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, Masked HEROs remain a threat and a nuisance. Not only are they cool, but they are incredibly c
Yu-Gi-Oh! In-Depth KOG Deck Guide SylvansJust like how Lightsworns in the TCG generate advantage by excavating cards, Sylvans operate the same way. Because of this, Sylvans manage to generate