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DMZ Dragon

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360 120
Help Again. I would like to know if this is a good deck please.
DMZ Dragon
- 1 year ago
1,835 0
Non-Meta Decks
240 480
Pointlessly Expensive Egyptian God Deck Pointlessly Expensive Egyptian God Deck
DMZ Dragon
- 1 year ago
4,149 0
Master Duel Decks
390 390
Loaner Deck Loaner Deck
DMZ Dragon
- 1 year ago
3,757 0
Fun/Casual Decks
750 690
Duel Devastator if it was a deck. What it Duel Devastator could've been if it was intended to be a deck.
DMZ Dragon
- 1 year ago
1,829 0
Anime Decks
120 30
All Trap-Monsters All Trap Monsters
DMZ Dragon
- 1 year ago
5,284 0
Fun/Casual Decks
480 330
Help Me With Something. I have friend who's favorite card is "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" and I really wanted to make them a (Red-Eyes) deck for their birthday.
DMZ Dragon
- 1 year ago
2,696 7