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Virtual World SwordSoul (October 2023) Virtual World / Swordsoul hybrid that I used to win a locals! The deck isn't terrible.
- 5 months ago
1,448 0
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390 480
July 25th Virtual World Went undefeated for the first time at locals this week with Virtual World! Still building the P.U.N.K engine.
- 8 months ago
5,044 0
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540 480
Virtual World Swordsoul (PHHY) I've been wanting to mix Swordsoul into Virtual World for some time now, I think this is the way to do it.
- 1 year ago
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690 600
Salamangreat Heatsoul (Ft. Into The VRAINS!) Decode Talker Heatsoul is a very good card, so I built a new salad deck for me to play it in.
- 1 year ago
5,105 0
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480 570
Virtual World Ft. Winda Credit to this person who did the combo on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOZ5C0pPbb0 Just a basic decklist for it.
- 1 year ago
7,879 0
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540 510
Virtual World Feat. Snow (TCG) Current deck I use in the TCG, This list will change depending on what I play.
- 1 year ago
8,471 1