November 2019 Tournament Report (Trinity Format)
This Tournament Report covers the most recent YGOPROdeck Trinity Cup, played in Trinity Format.
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The November 2019 Trinity Cup was held this month with 34 participants, and the results are in!
- Champion: 41 Flavors of Burrito's Shiranui Vampire
- Top 2: Yugitom's Stromberg Kozmo
- Top 4: Anima7ed's Shaddoll ABC
- Top 4: Lt.Labcoat's Infinitrack Trains
- Top 8: iotg9's DARK Mekk-Knight
- Top 8: Wuh Trains' Blue-Eyes
- Top 8: Meepmoto27's Blue-Eyes
- Top 8: Matt's Phantom Paleozoic
Congratulations to all who topped! The following deck profiles were all written by the respective tournament participants.
November 2019 1st Place: Zombie (Shiranui Vampire)
What deck did you play and why?
The deck I chose to play was Zombie, simply because I love zombies. They’ve been my favorite deck in the format for about a year now, because even if I keep the build the same, every duel with them is completely different! Every opening hand, gamestate, and draw results in numerous different possible lines of plays to be made, with each one better than the last. You can jack up consistency with the deck (to go into set avenues for different matchups) or you can keep the decksize smaller (to allow for more versatility and greater strength). It is by and far the most fun deck I’ve played, simply because you can have duels where you go for the standard send Glow-Up Bloom add Vampire Fraulein pass, to improvising a combo on the spot to set up a pseudo-Zoodiac Drident.
What tech choices did you play?
My build was relatively simple. I had the playstarters, the 2 main engines (Shiranui and Vampires), and the utility cards. For techs among the unlimited card pool, I was running Absorouter Dragon + Rokket Synchron (to Synchro Summon the Co-Forbidden Draco Berserker of the Tenyi), Danger! Bigfoot! and Card of Safe Return. Absorouter + Synchron is because that is one of the most underrated synchro engines at the moment. I almost did choose Dark Factory of More Production* over Card of Safe Return, but Factory is surprisingly bad in this deck, so I chose the non-opt draw card. For trinities, I ran Draco Berserker of the Tenyi, Glow-Up Bloom, Heavy Storm Duster, Lost Wind and Shiranui Style Swallow’s Slash. All the maindeck trinities are usual, but Draco Berserker was an important tech choice.
*Editor's Note: Dark Factory of More Production has recently found its place in the metagame in various Control Decks. Read More here.
How did you prepare for the meta? Would you change anything after the November 2019 banlist?
Going forward, there isn’t much I would change about my deck. With the recent release of Generaider, I'd side strong Spell/Trap removal (such as Mystical Space Typhoon and Cosmic Cyclone) sided to remove Generaider Boss Stage before it could Summon Nidhogg, Generaider Boss of Ice. Besides that, everything else would remain the same. I am considering adding in Vampire’s Desire or Armageddon Knight to boost the odds of getting to Vampire Fraulein, but that will be considered in testing.
How were your matchups?
Honestly, I don’t remember most of them. The matches I lost were due to bricking or my opponent opening much better than me, so there wasn’t much I could do in those scenarios. Regardless, the duels that did stand out were playing vs ABC Shaddoll and Blue-Eyes. Vs both of those decks, I needed to play cautiously, simply due to both being much more explosive than my deck. However, I did possess tools to handle both decks. Shiranui Samurai still remains one of, if not the, best cards in the deck. Its ability to banish monsters it battles while also being able to serve as a Zoodiac Drident with Shiranui Spiritmaster in the GY is insane! Couple that with one of my new favorite cards, Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranui’s Story, and the deck all of a sudden has answers to most decks almost all the time. Outside of that, Fraulein is still quite good in most matchups, as a defensive wall. In my match vs Gem-Knight, it was the only reason I didn’t lose 2-0 to them. In the end, I feel rather confident in saying that zombies are in a good place right now! They’re strong, but not obscenely so. They still suffer from the issue of dying early if they don’t open a way into Fraulein. I hope others try their hand at the deck!
November 2019 2nd Place: Stromberg Kozmo
What deck did you play and why?
I played Golden Castle of Stromberg Kozmo, aka Disneyland. I'd like to say I played it because I'm a wizard who predicted the power of Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher, so I went all-in on the gimmick to max out on Gren Maju Da Eiza turbo. In actuality, I just wanted to play a Gren Maju Da Eiza deck and shoved Kozmo in because I couldn't think of better cards to make it 60.
What tech choices did you play?
Danger! Bigfoot!* was really good and allowed me to always pop a card, either via his own effect or by allowing me to summon Dingirsu, Orcust of the Evening Star. Cyber Dragons are always good and you'll probably never see me without them nowadays. I did run Future Fusion as a way to search Cyber Dragon Core in a 60-card Deck. In theory, it also gave me access to Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher via Chimeratech Overdragon as a target, but in order for my board to not get blown up by Overdragon, I ran Mystical Space Typhoon and Cosmic Cyclone in my main deck to remove my own Future Fusion. Mudragon of the Swamp is actually a much better target because I can send Orochi and Kozmoll Dark Lady if I have any revival.
How did you prepare for the meta? Would you change anything after the November 2019 banlist?
I didn't try to predict anything, since it was a new season. I knew Orochi would probably come back and bite me like it did in the most recent Championship, so I just thought I'd fight fire with fire and make sure he was in my deck. System Down and Chimeratech Fortress Dragon were just as niche as I thought they would be, but I'd arguably not be 2nd place without them, so it's hard to say I'll drop them. I took Pendulum Hole out of my side because I'm running 60 cards and I'd hate to have drawn it mid-game. Otherwise, it would still be in my side. In the future, I would definitely take out Chimeratech Overdragon and throw something more generic in. Orochi went to Forbidden after this tournament, so obviously he'd be taken out in a future build.
*Editor's Note: Danger! Bigfoot! moved from Co-Forbidden to Unlimited on the banlist before this tournament.
How were your matchups?
They were pretty difficult, especially if they managed to Summon Orochi before me. I think, if Golden Castle of Stromberg didn't have its battle protection effect, I wouldn't even be in top cut. Shoutout to my round 2 opponent, Mika, who I beat in a tense game 3 by avoiding deckout... by using all of my resources to use Knightmare Unicorn to return a card to my deck! I've had a lot of fun in this cup using Stromberg, so thanks and gg to all of my opponents!
November 2019 Top 4: Shaddoll ABC
What deck did you play and why?
If you've been following trinity for any amount of time over the past year, you could probably guess. Part pet-deck part believing that it's a good deck, ABC-Shaddoll have actually been really good to me. While the core will usually stay the same, tech and filler choices have changed nearly every month. The game plan is to absorb as many answers as possible with Shaddolls, while setting up the grave with ABC pieces and continuing advantage generation, then eventually push for game with ABC-Dragon Buster. This allows me to keep up with most deck's gameplans.
What tech choices did you play?
This month it was Danger! and Tenyi. I didn't see the Tenyi monsters as much as I wanted to, but they enabled some insane Synchro lines of play and can combo with Last Will really well. The idea there is to Summon a Tenyi, make the Non-Effect Monk of the Tenyi, who doesn't count towards the summon limit, then finally resolve Last Will with a Summon free after it resolves. The dangers were good, but they're more or less just upstart goblins.
How did you prepare for the meta? Would you change anything after the November 2019 banlist?
I ran a bunch of cards in the side that didn't do anything besides D.D. Crow and System Down.
I'm really not sure how much I will change, we'll see.
I'm really not sure how much I will change, we'll see.
How were your matchups?
Pretty much every single one was a hard match. Partly because I just didn't play well though.
November 2019 Top 4: Infinitrack Trains
What deck did you play and why?
A deck that started off as EARTH Machine + Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Skasher, then became progressively more about the latter. Basically, I started with what I always do: 6-card Train package, 4-card Infinitracks, Ancient Gear Box and searchers (for the easy Rank 8 Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star), the generic Machine support, and a bunch of revival and generic cards. Then, because Gizmek Orochi is so hecka strong, I added that in along with 7 ways to send it to the GY. And because that made it real easy to get out, I added Gren Maju Da Eiza on top, for the OTK dreams. Getting it to 8k ATK/DEF was just too easy.
What tech choices did you play?
RETURN OF THE MAGICAL HATS! The thought was that, with the debut of Crusher Run, I could get a guaranteed Outrigger Expansion out of it - with the other send off of Magical Hats being either Urgent Schedule or Lost Wind, for their GY effects. ......Or, that was the plan, but I forgot about it later on, and ended up putting Outrigger Expansion in the side-deck. Whoops!
How did you prepare for the meta? Would you change anything after the November 2019 banlist?
Primineral Kongreat I guess is the only unexpected addition (to the side-board). In what was shaping up to be an Orochi-heavy meta, that was an obvious inclusion. As for what to change? Just about everything Orochi related, of course, since it's now banned, and for bloody good reason. Even in this one, spending a Trinity on Armageddon Knight was overboard, even if it was useful for other cards. Otherwise, the deck is absolutely still playable, as it always is.
How were your matchups?
I faced Orochi four times in the tournament, I believe. I am so glad that it got subsequently banned. Not just because I faced it so often, but because it was clearly the star card of all the decks it was ran in - and often turned into "who can get Orochi out first". ...Oh, and I also lost to a player with Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, just twice. Ho hum.