Trinity Format – May 2019 Top Deck Profiles The top Trinity Format decks from May 2019 Trinity Cup Tournament.
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The May 2019 Trinity Cup was held this month with a record 40 participants, and the results are in!

1st: 41 Flavors of Burritos
2nd: Cinosrepus
3rd-4th: Get Head With No Seatbelt
3rd-4th: ToadalGear

5th-8th: MBT
5th-8th: LilShpeeThatCould
5th-8th: Icysion
5th-8th: Mawile

Congratulations to all who topped! The following deck profiles were all written by the respective tournament participants.

1st Place: 41 Flavors of Burritos' Zombies

What deck did you play and why?

I ended up playing zombies for a couple reasons. Firstly, I’d wanted to play them in champs, but my most recent list was still in development so I didn’t end up using them. As a result, I brought them out once I finished that decklist. Also, with the recent hits to Orcust, one of my favorite decks had taken an entirely different style of play, so I had to find another deck to utilize and zombies were my number 1, so it was a no brainer (undead puns). Lastly, I kinda wanted to try and win the tourney cause I ended up creating several new decks/deck ideas that I wanted to test in upcoming tournaments, so yeah.

What tech choices did you play?

Ooh boy, the tech choices. If we’re being realistic, zombies have very specific good cards and a bunch of mediocre or bad cards to fill the void. I delved into the mediocrity to search for any jewels.

I found in total 4 zombies that I liked. Goblin Zombie served as a slower searcher that could proc Vampire Kingdom if needed. Zombie Master was a worse Lightsworn Lyla, because while it did get the job done on reviving zombies, the effect would fizzle if it got Ogred. Malevolent Mech - Goku En was just a meme that I ended up using. It did win me one duel, but 10/10 would not recommend again. Last is by far my new favorite card in the deck: Shiranui Samurai. A level 4 Fire Zombie who came equipped with a quick effect ability to buff its ATK from 1800 to 2400 by banishing a zombie from your GY and with a Zoodiac Whiptail ability of banishing anything it battles. When coupled with Shiranui Spiritmaster in the GY, it also served as a pseudo Zoodiac Drident.

Besides that, the only other techs that played a role in the tournament were Legacy of the Duelist, because that card is dummy good, and Vampire Desire, which served as a secondary Foolish Burial for Vampires only. Also had a meme counter to Salamangreats, being Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries. Never had to use it, so it remains a meme.

How did you prepare for the meta, and would you change anything going forward?

So, I totally forgot Destiny Heroes and Ballpark were considered meta, so my side deck consisted of only counters to Weather and a meme counter to Salamangreats. Fortunately, I had Samurai Destroyer as a counter to Ballpark, so that worked out alright. In the future, I would definitely replace Goku En and Linkuriboh with Dark Factory of More Production and Tornado Dragon respectively. Besides that, it would depend on the meta and how it develops. I found that while my deck was at 55 cards, it stayed considerably consistent to its core gameplan.

How were your matchups?

Of the 8 duels I had, I faced 5 decks that ran Ballpark, 1 Timelords burn deck, 1 Labcoat special, and Heroes.

I’m still a persistent believer that Ballpark is a horrible matchup for zombies, but I won 5 duels against them, so yay. Most of the duels didn’t involve Ballpark, but even the one in which ballpark resolved I managed to win. When dueling Heroes, the 3 cards I was afraid of were Fusion Destiny, Elemental Hero Honest Neos, and Vision Hero Trinity. Didn’t have to vs those cards during that duel, so didn’t have to go into hyper panic mode to not die. The only other deck I had trouble with were the Timelords, because zombies have only 1 in archetype way of dealing with them. Plus, they don’t really have that much non-destroying removal.

2nd Place: Cinosrepus' Destiny HERO

What deck did you play and why?

I played Heroes with Destiny Fusion and without Neos Fusion because Heroes are fun and good. I didn't like Neos Fusion because it could brick and because I needed space for Rank 4 XYZ monsters in my ED. The versatility makes it more powerful.

For trinities, I played Honest Neos because it's good, Lost Wind and Heavy Storm Duster because they're good, and Pot of Greed. I didn't like additional playstarters because they were suboptimal in this deck, since they had too much brick potential if drawn twice. Many of the plays are "one and done" and while it would be okay to have a higher chance of having Fusion Destiny or Elemental HERO Stratos or Vision HERO Vyon, the matchups really determine what kind of card I want. PoG is good in every instance and helps with the versatile playstyle. It's always good and helps me reload my hand, allowing me to draw answers. This deck is more controlly, grindy, and responsive than the aggressive style, so card draw is more powerful. HSD emphasizes the S/T removal aspect, and Lost Wind helps against high attack or powerful effect special summoned monsters.

What tech choices did you play?

Future Fusion was added to have a strong play early and have a multi-foolish burial, as well as a big guy if it resolves. Necro Fusion and Miracle Fusion were to have extra plays from the grave. I was able to summon Dystopia, The Shining, Vision Hero Adoration, and others. Celestial Observatory added extra draw power; I could use it with Destiny HERO - Malicious or Mana Dragon Zirnitron. Fusion Recycling Plant lets me recycle Polymerization and a card I've used to fuse, which happened often when I drew it. Elemental HERO Neos Alius is a light monster to use for The Shining, and also had some interesting interactions due to it being a Gemini. I could revive it and summon a link or XYZ without hitting the limit, which allowed for more plays. Juragedo gives LP and extra attack power, can protect me from OTKs, and can combo with Destiny HERO - Dystopia for another destruction effect. Elemental HERO Solid Soldier allows XYZ plays. D-Tactics combos with Dystopia for a destruction effect every turn. Shaddoll Dragon combos with Future Fusion, Fusion Destiny, Paleozoic Dinomischus, and Foolish Burial, serves as rank 4 fodder and has a good flip effect.

How did you prepare for the meta, and would you change anything going forward?

In the side I added a lot of spell and trap removal for the Ballpark and Weathery matchup. Spell Shattering Arrow, Fairy Wind, Malevolent Catastrophe, Vision HERO Witch Raider, and Cosmic Cyclone. I added Divine Wrath and Recall for dinos, zombies, weather, and heroes. I added Brain Control against zombies, but I never drew it. D.D. Crow and Called by the Grave are for anti-GY matchups such as zombie and dino. Drowning Mirror Force was for if anyone played Altergeist. Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring for high impact cards like Fusion Destiny. System Down with Left Arm Offering against machines, but I never drew them anyway. For changes, I would probably add Lilith, Lady of Lament and Absolute King Back Jack for more consistency and to bring out some of my best traps. I'm also adding Goblindbergh to have more XYZ power.

How were your matchups?

Good against Ballpark and Weathery because of the spell and trap removal and Stratos's first effect. Decent against the mirror because of lack of Neos Fusion and more XYZ options, I'd say. Bricked against zombies but in normally still a bad matchup in most scenarios.

3rd-4th Place: Get Head With No Seatbelt's POG (Painter Orcust Geist)

What deck did you play and why?

I played Altergeist because I am pro Altergeist Spieler

What tech choices did you play?

Played Weathers because Aurora is pretty cute but they ended up being terrible, think you definitely need to commit a lot of deck space to Weather for them to be good. Played Orcusts because Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star is a pretty broken card, destruction protection comes up quite a lot in Trinity and just looping a non targeting pop is pretty great, Orcusts were for sure the best part of my deck next to the Geists and the engine is probably the biggest reason I topped. Rest of the main was mostly just standard Geist stuff. Transcode Talker was pretty cool, never went Security Dragon into Transcode like I wanted to but Transcode still came up a good enough amount of times. Side deck had a lot of cool stuff, all the searching floodgates are pretty dumb and should definitely be banned, and Magic Drain is pretty great, spell cards are good so negating spells is pretty good. Played a 14 card side because I'm too pro to need 15 cards.

How did you prepare for the meta, and would you change anything going forward?

I knew HERO and Ballpark decks were pretty good so I mostly built around them, most of the side is devoted to them and some of the choices in the main revolve around them. If I played the deck again would definitely cut the weather engine, probably wouldn't do much more than that, for sure play Pentestag, he's another card that works with Transcode and he's another dark link 2 which comes up sometimes.

How were your matchups?

Everything is pretty good, Ballpark is pretty good because they usually cant ever resolve Ballpark through your disruptions, HERO matchup is pretty good because you play enough effect negation they usually cant resolve their effect monster searchers so they rely on harddrawing their fusion spells, and I side really hard for them. Goodstuff always has a problem with bricking though so it often doesn't matter if your matchup is good if your hand is normal Marionetter pass and you never see another monster, cutting the Weather engine would help with consistency though.

3rd-4th Place: ToadalGear's Crickets

What deck did you play and why?

I played Crickets because Prawn said it was the best deck and he knows far better than me.

What tech choices did you play?

Well, basically I just copied the Crickets deck we have now. Then, I added some fins to lower wind resistance. And this racing stripe here I feel is pretty sharp. To be honest, all I did was add Mirror Force (which I sided out) and played a lot of anti-fusion techs to stop HERO and some anti-GY stuff for Zombies.

How did you prepare for the meta, and would you change anything going forward?

I don't really know what I would change, I just played Prawn's list and did well enough with it. Honestly, just side some blow out cards for each good deck, and you do well at tournaments. Crickets will be a good deck going forward.

How were your matchups?

Mostly good, although losing to Cino sucked.

5th-8th Place: MBT's NEOS Destiny HERO

What did you play, and how did it perform?

I played NEOS Destiny HERO, a deck designed to draw one of its 18 fusion spells and go to town. While this archetype was exceptionally dominant both in swiss and in Top 8, I feel as if it's not as good as people assume. It definitely benefited from a forgiving metagame this cup, and if dedicated control decks like Weathery or Salamangreat become more popular, it could be a disaster for the D HEROs. My build had a low (relative) monster count, which gave me the edge in grindy matchups, but exacerbated my weakness to Crickets, costing me a Top 4 spot.

5th-8th Place: LilShpeeThatCould's Jurassic Park

What did you play, and how did it perform?

My original intention of the deck was for it to be Trinity Goodstuff, but it wasn't until playing it in the tournament that I realized most of it was just Ballpark and Dinosaurs. This led people to call it Jurassic Park even though I had no idea that it mostly contained Dinosaurs and Ballpark stuff. This lead to another situation like when I played Evil Eye in a previous tournament, where instead of realizing the good part of my deck (Evil Eye) and capitalizing on it, I instead followed my heart and built Evil Eye Traptrix Phantom Knight Blackwings.

5th-8th Place: Icysion's Striker Crickets

What did you play, and how did it perform?

I chose to play Crickets because I thought they were going to be the best deck. I had already gotten top 4 in the SAST champs with them and they received no hits on the banlist. Although they were extremely powerful, they are a glass cannon deck. They have the ability to pop off, but they are also fragile and prone to bricking. That along with several deck building errors meant I couldn't get any higher than top 8.

5th-8th Place: Mawile's NEOS Destiny HERO

What did you play, and how did it perform?

I played Destiny HEROes because I like Destiny HERO. Not really anything tech-y here that I contributed that was good. I think recycling plant is okay, but probably not worth the co slot for Terraforming. I liked the Mask Change and NEOS engine a lot, but if i move down to 45-50 i may cut NEOS (depends on testing), Metaverse, the third Super Team Buddy Force Unite!, my trap lineup in general, Destiny Draw, Allure of Darkness, and Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord. My side deck could be better, but I really like the Timelord engine in here. I think this deck loses hard to decks that can outgrind it, and it runs out of resources rather quickly. Also, I got really lucky with my hands; I should have bricked way more. Definitely, going down on card count should be a thing. Cards I think would probably be good are Miracle Fusion and The Warrior Returning Alive. Public service announcement: Elemental HERO NEOS Knight does NOT gain the attack from the warrior if summoned by NEOS Fusion or Miracle Contact, because neither of those cards fusion summon the monster.

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