TCG CYAC Metagame Tournament Report: June Remote Duel YCS Let's take a look at some of the top decks from the June 2023 Remote Duel YCS!

TCG Meta Deck Representation & Breakdown

Deck Breakdown:

  • 8 Kashtira
  • 5 Dragon Link Bystial
  • 3 Spright Fur Hire
  • 3 Floowandereeze
  • 2 Rikka Sunavalon
  • 1 Purrely
  • 1 Plunder Patroll Adventurer
  • 1 Spright
  • 1 Mathmech @Ignister
  • 1 Tearlaments Shaddoll
  • 1 Superheavy Samurai
  • 1 Branded DEspia
  • 1 Exosister
  • 1 Labrynth
  • 1 Vanquish Soul
  • 1 Sky Striker


Deck Highlights



Steven Santoli took 1st place and became the champion of the June 2023 Remote Duel YCS with Exosister.

Exosister is a deck that received a minor buff with the release of the new Spirit support from Cyberstorm Access. With the release of Sakitama, Exosisters gain a new way to summon a Rank 4 XYZ by just normal summoning Aratama. This lets the deck summon one of their core monsters without a big commitment. Additionally, the Spirit monsters have the added benefit of not conflicting with Exosister Martha's restriction as they are not special summons.

We can see the inclusion of some powerful utility cards in the form of Gozen Match, Book of Moon, and Harpie's Feather Duster. Gozen is, of course, a powerful floodgate that has application against many decks this format. It's great for locking Kashtira down to just a few monsters, Dragon Link out of one of their two attributes and heavily restricts the 2nd place deck (Mathmech @Ignister) from most of their play. Book of Moon is also great as both a board breaking tool and defensive backrow. This makes it a very flexible card worth its slot in the Main Deck. And lastly, since Exosister historically struggles against heavy backrow, Duster makes for a great option to blowout the rising number of Labynth decks in the meta. And while Duster is limited to 1, we do have 3 Pot of Prosperity to make seeing that Duster just a little bit easier. 

In general, Exosister has a pretty decent matchup against the meta. Almost every deck has some sort of GY interaction. Kashtira often summons out of the GY with Kashtira Birth and sometimes banishes with Scareclaw Kashtira as well. Dragon Link banishes a ton for their Bystials and Chaos monsters which are both part of their main combo lines. Even deck such as Labrynth will banish their traps from the GY for their utility effects or even add their furniture cards back for additional value. And while Exosister is considered a lower tier deck, it's still quite hard to play against when Exosister Vadis turns into 2 XYZs and start suffocating out your play.

Mathmech @Ignister

Liam Mac Oscair took 2nd place and was the runner up at the June 2023 Remote Duel YCS with Mathmech @Ignister.

Mathmech @Ignister was a deck that became popular about 2 formats ago. The deck plays off the power of Cyberse synergy and often ends their board with both The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister and Mathmech Superfactorial. This simple but powerful board is surprisingly hard to deal with as it requires you to play through both a large "Towers"-type monster as well as a extremely troublesome trap card. This makes it quite difficult to play against as if you can't deal with the board, The Arrival will slowly gain advantage over you, or the deck can straight up kill you through Accesscode Talker

To cement their board, the deck also plays a wide range of 15 hand traps. This makes it so that even though Liam plays 60 cards, he'll often see something that can impair his opponent's play. This is also supported by the inclusion of 3 Small World which allows any hand trap to transmute into another useful monster. Additionally, Liam plays 3 Triple Tactics Thrust and 2 Triple Tactics Talent. Talents is great for both breaking boards and dealing with hand traps as it gives you the ability to play around what your opponent has. 

Overall, Mathmech @Ignister is a deck that plays off the meta not having select answers to their threats. The Arrival contributes a lot to this as it's not a card most decks can answer easily, if at all. With the recent hits to Purrely, many decks have cut monsters such as Kaijus and Kurikara Divincarnate from their Main and Side Decks, which indirectly also contribute to this deck's success. Combine this with the resilience of the Cyberse archetype and their ability to OTK so easily, it really does make for a unique and powerful deck. Of course, this doesn't mean the deck is without weakness. Dimension Shifter can immediately stop your turn as the deck plays heavily around the GY and floodgates such as Gozen Match and There Can Be Only One also restrict a lot of its play due to the deck containing a single type and multiple attributes.



Christopher Leblanc placed 3rd at the June Remote Duel YCS with Purrely.

Purrely is a deck that we haven't talked too much about after the most recent Forbidden & Limited List changes. With Purrely Delicious Memory getting hit to 1, the deck lost a bit of its consistency in its ability to summon Expurrely Noir with 5+ materials. But with a bit of change and innovation, Chris was still able to pilot Purrely to a Top 4 finish. 

Chris's Purrely deck, unlike many Purrely decks didn't play any discard engine. Most Purrely decks opt for either the Dark World or Shaddoll package as a way to make the Quick-play spells more positive by cycling cards. Instead of this, Chris chose to play a Tactics package along with 2 copies of Purrelyeap!? and a Main Deck Dark Ruler No More and Harpie's Feather Duster. This gave him a lot more play against hand traps as Triple Tactics Talent gave him the ability to draw additional cards or look at his opponent's hand while Triple Tactics Thrust gave him access to Purrelyeap!?

We can also see a single copy of Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon in the Side Deck. Daruma is a powerful trap against decks many decks of the format as it essentially pauses the opponent's play for a turn while removing problematic monsters. It can also be searched using Thrust; making it a power answer to cards such as Dimension Shifter and Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. This is especially good against decks such as Kashtira and Dragon Link where you can make them end on an unoptimal board while trying to regain control of the game next turn or potentially OTK them if you have enough cards. 


The June Remote Duel YCS was sure full of surprises with many off-meta and rogue picks making it into the Top 32. With Top 8 having 6 unique decks and Top 4 having all unique decks, it leaves a lot to look forward to with the NAWCQ coming up. 

While Kashtira still has the most representation overall, Dragon Link and Spright variants aren't too far behind and have proven to be a fair match against Kashtira. 

Regardless, it'll be interesting to see how the format closes out with the tournament only second to the World Championship looming just around the corner.


June 24th - 25th, 2023

  • June 2023 Remote Duel YCS

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