Edison Format's Top 10 Decks to Look Out For Edison Format is known for its diversity of viable decks. With the first largescale Edison format coming up, let's look at the top contenders.

Recently, a largescale tournament was announced that uses the April 2010 Forbidden and Limited list, otherwise known as "Edison format." This time period is known for its diversity of viable decks. Here are a few of those fan favorite decks you should prepare for if you're looking to join this historic event.

1. Quickdraw Dandywarrior

Quickdraw Dandywarrior gets its namesake from its primary combo of using Quickdraw Synchron to discard Dandylion, then Synchro Summoning Drill Warrior with the resulting tokens. This deck features both a long-lasting grind game via recycling combo pieces, and powerful tempo plays with one-card Synchro outlets like Debris Dragon. Its thought-provoking playstyle makes it a staple of the format.

2. Hero Beat

While it has "Hero" in the name, Hero Beat primarily uses Elemental HERO Neos Alius as a beatstick that enables the use of Gemini Spark, Hero Blast, and Miracle Fusion. Its simple playstyle focuses on a slow removal of the opponent's resources, then presenting them with a recurring threat like Elemental HERO The Shining.

3. Diva Hero

Similarly to Hero Beat, Diva Hero uses Elemental HEROs as an engine. In this case, Destiny HERO - Malicious alongside Destiny Draw combos with Deep Sea Diva to make two easy level eight Synchro monsters. Furthermore, this deck's Miracle Fusion features a more natural way to get into Elemental HERO Absolute Zero, as opposed to having to tech Water monsters like Snowman Eater.

4. Vayu Turbo

While Diva Hero can throw out two massive Synchros, the combo is vulnerable to traps, and sometimes runs out of steam. In comparison, Vayu Turbo supplies a constant stream of beatsticks using its namesake Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor. Initially, Vayu needs to be dumped alongside Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn, but afterwards, the perished Blackwing Armed Wing can be upgraded even further to Blackwing Armor Master. The deck features many ways to throw the birds into the bush, such as Dark Grepher and Armageddon Knight.

5. Zombie Variants

Goblin Zombie, Plaguespreader Zombie, and Zombie Master represent a cohesive package of advantage and reliability in Synchro Summoning. While the deck isn't entirely pure Zombie monsters, these three form the backbone of an engine that provides monsters for sacrifice that keep up your hand advantage or dump monsters that would like to rendezvous in the GY.

6. Blackwing

Vayu Turbo has been more popular as of late, but its origin deck still sees marginal play. Its ability to swarm aggressively for damage or put out a solid Synchro is still a viable strategy. Standouts include Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North that is comparable to Debris Dragon, and Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind, a tuner that can notably take down even Synchro titans like Stardust Dragon. Its pièce de résistance is Black Whirlwind, a Continuous Spell that compliments its midrange style perfectly by either providing more ammo for next turn or adding extra damage.

7. Lightsworn

Lightsworn is perhaps the most straightforward of the Edison format decks, but the simplicity of Judgment Dragon's pure destructive power is enough to be alluring. Its constant milling and draw power with cards like Solar Recharge allow it to be mixed with other styles such as Zombies or a fairy variant featuring Archlord Kristya.

8. Frognarch

A slower pick for Edison format, but Frognarch represents the slower pace of the environment well. Its consistency is supplimented with the now-Forbidden Substitoad, fetching Swap Frog and dumping Treeborn Frog for its continual sacrifice for defense or tribute effects such as Caius the Shadow Monarch.

9. Machina

We have looked at a few beatdown decks, but Machina is the epitome of midrange powerhouses. Machina Fortress boasts reasonable ATK, as well as an effect that punishes the opponent for trying to remove it. Machina Gearframe provides consistency in finding Fortress or Machina Force for the former's revival. Gearframe can even protect Fortress in niche situations!

10. Gladiator Beast

A classic deck, Gladiator Beast can be used in its base form, abusing Gladiator Beast Bestiari and its fusion Gladiator Beast Gyzarus, or with a combo variant featuring Elemental HERO Prisma and Test Tiger for higher tempo. Its attack-based gameplay may pale in comparison to decks that can bust out Synchros every turn, but its control tools still can wall out non-established opponents.


Edison format decks focus on summoning impressive monsters and following up with long-lasting grind games. This strategy commonly lies with Synchro monsters, but the mid-level tempo provides for decks that want to take a more classic approach as well. While modern deckbuilding for Edison is leaning towards less Trap cards, if a slower game appeals to you, Edison has a plethora of options to choose from.

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