1. Introduction
Structure Deck: The Crimson King is an upcoming TCG structure deck releasing on September 22, 2023 that includes new cards and support for Jack Atlas strategies involving the "Resonator" and "Red Dragon Archfiend" archetypes along with additional fiend support.
Jack Atlas is a rival character, appearing in both Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds and Arc-V. He uses Resonators, Red Dragon Archfiends, Fiends, and powerful traps to compliment his "power" and "protect the castle" style of dueling with his signature cards being Red Dragon Archfiend and Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend respectively.
2. History of Archetype
Resonators are usually level 1-3 Fiend tuner monsters that are easily recognizable with their signature tuning fork and mallet. They use their effects alongside other non-tuner fiend monsters to help facilitate the summon of stronger "Red Dragon Archfiends" and are essential to the mechanics of "Double Tuning" and "Triple Tuning". With Resonators and Red Dragon Archfiends linked so closely together, support for one of the archetypes also indirectly supports the other as well. Dark Fiends are the non-tuner counterpart to the Resonator tuner monsters. They are usually level 4, and also usually have abilities to special summon themselves out without taking up your normal summon.
Red Dragon Archfiend's are Dark Dragon Synchro's that consist of Level 8, 9, 10, and 12 monsters. Complimentary to Jack Atlas's "power" dueling style, they have effects focused on battling, destruction, and inflicting maximum pain and damage to your opponent. They are facilitated by the Level 6 Dark Dragon Synchro: Red Rising Dragon which allows you to bring back a Resonator monster upon its summon. This allows you to go into your stronger Red Dragon Archfiend monsters with usually a Level 8, 9, or 10 as a baseline. Then using multiple Resonators, "Double Tune" or "Triple Tune" into your Level 12's boss monsters. Double Tune means using two Resonators, and Triple Tune means using three Resonators respectively.
3. New support from Structure Deck
Soul Resonator
Let's take a look at each of the 8 new cards coming out in Structure Deck: The Crimson King and how it helps our strategy to obliterate our opponents with power. One of Jack Atlas's main attributes is focus on the soul. This card being named Soul Resonator is a reference to that. If you are a fan of the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS animated series, you may also notice the mark of the signers in the background. This Resonator has weird qualities of being Fire attribute and level 3. This card is the deck's new one-card starter allowing you to easily search for a level 4 or lower Fiend counterpart from your deck to your hand.
Considering most level 4 or lower Fiends you search off this can easily be special summoned, this card is a one-card synchro most of the time. The most obvious card to search is Bone Archfiend to help modulate the level of Soul Resonator to turn it into a Red Rising Dragon or Level 8 Red Dragon Archfiend monster. Wandering King Wildwind is another good choice and can bring you to a Level 7 dark synchro monster. Playing the deck will usually lock you into Dark Synchro or Dark Dragon Synchro monsters so please be aware of that. This incentivizes staying in theme and not branching off into more generic synchros. Soul Resonator also comes with a nice protection effect for all your cards as long as you control "Red Dragon Archfiend" or a Synchro Monster that mentions it. However, be careful of its wording, the name of the card in question has to be Red Dragon Archfiend, treated as Red Dragon Archfiend or mention it in its materials for this to work. This only protects 5 cards in the theme, with those being:
- Majestic Red Dragon
- Red Nova Dragon
- Scar-Red Dragon Archfiend
- Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend
- Red Dragon Archfiend
Overall though, Soul Resonator is a wonderful starter, searcher, and addition to the Resonator and Red Dragon Archfiend family. I would personally run 3 of this card, though I have seen two.
Bone Archfiend
In the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds anime, Jack Atlas constantly used Mad Archfiend as one of his main fiend monsters and it was one of my favorites to see in the show. Bone Archfiend is a remake of that card and when I saw the card, I couldn't be happier. Bone Archfiend is one of the fiends you will be running in your new Red Dragon Archfiend deck. It is searchable off of Soul Resonator and allows you to special summon itself from the hand or graveyard simply by discarding a card. The discard may sound heavy but it can be very helpful to get cards like Vision Resonator to search a spell or trap or Crimson Resonator to the graveyard for your Red Rising Dragon. This card is primarily used with Soul Resonator to help modulate that level three into either a two or four for synchro plays. You can also reuse Bone Archfiend every turn so long as you have a discard so technically you don't need to worry about needing another fiend once you see Bone Archfiend. Another great new fiend support card that pairs perfectly with your Resonators to synchro summon into those bigger dark dragon monsters. I would run 3 of this card.
Vision Resonator
Fan of the Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's anime or Fortune Lady archetype may recognize the orange eye on the chest of Vision Resonator. It is a reference to Carly's Fortune Ladies and specifically the bond and relationship she has with Jack. It is also a direct reference to the duel between Carly and Jack during the Dark Signer arc of the anime and with it also came an extra bonus card("King of All") from that same duel which you can see right below Vision Resonator itself. For the actual card itself, it is an excellent extender and helps when Red Rising Dragon is negated by an opponent's card effect to synchro into a level 8 Red Dragon Archfiend monster. This card can be sent to the graveyard easily with Bone Archfiend or cheated out from the deck with Crimson Resonator along with being searchable by Soul Resonator and Crimson Gaia. The main card you want to be searching off this is Crimson Gaia which then can search you another spell or trap if you so choose. Two other viable targets for consideration are Red Zone and Fiendish Golem, also included with the structure deck. Definitely run 1-2x of this card.
Scar-Red Dragon Archfiend
This is our newest Red Dragon Archfiend monster and is the cover card of the structure deck. It is interesting as Scar is a common name in the OCG for things like Red Nova Dragon and Red Supernova Dragon and we finally have a proper Scar-Red Dragon Archfiend now. With Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon banned in the TCG, this card acts as a pseudo version of it allowing us to summon the original Red Dragon Archfiend from the extra deck when it's sent to the graveyard. This means you should be running at least one original Red Dragon Archfiend in the extra deck for this effect to work. It also has a nice Raigeki effect when used to synchro summon a Dark Dragon Synchro monster which is all of your extra deck so it's really helpful to clear your opponent's monsters and go in for the OTK. Finally, this card is treated as the original Red Dragon Archfiend so it is usable off of Red Zone and Soul Resonator's protection. I would run 1 of this card.
Absolute Powerforce
Our newest Red Dragon Archfiend spell and it's the signature move of Red Dragon Archfiend. Similar to Junk Warrior's signature attack move: Scrap Fist, this spell is a quick play battle spell meant to enable OTK strategies and do lots of damage simply. Unfortunately, the card itself is not very good as while it can be searched out by Vision Resonator, it is too niche to use like Scarlet Security. You can try to combine it with Crimson Gaia which can also search this but remember you need Red Dragon Archfiend, Scar-Red Dragon Archfiend, or Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend to even use this card. If this attacks a 0-def monster, with double piercing damage that would be instantly 8000 damage into game. This card seems fun to use in more casual OTK, going second type of builds but for any sort of more competitive Red Dragon Archfiend deck, it is probably best to avoid this one. Run 0-1.
Crimson Gaia
Our final support card revealed for Red Dragon Archfiends is Crimson Gaia! This card has three devastating effects to unleash upon your opponent. It can be searched out by Vision Resonator and can immediately search a Spell/Trap mentioning RDA or add Soul Resonator/Vision Resonator from the deck or graveyard to your hand. Its second effect pairs well with Absolute Powerforce for OTKS or the original Red Dragon Archfiend's effect to destroy all defense monsters. Finally, when a monster on the field is destroyed, you can bring back another "Red Dragon Archfiend" - Scarlight or Scar works too along with the original which is great for OTK's or simply to synchro into stronger dragons. Overall, a great continuous spell that puts in a lot of work. I would definitely recommend running 2-3 of this card. I personally run 3.
Red Zone
Our first continuous trap and it is a reference to the Nazca lines and Earthbound Immortals. Red Nova Dragon is the outline on this card. If you watched the 5ds anime, it is also a neat reference to where Jack traveled to fight the Red Familiar in order to obtain Red Nova Dragon in the first place. This is the card you usually search off Crimson Gaia, and when you control one of the five "Red Dragon Archfiend" or Synchro monsters that mention it(refer toSoul Resonator's list), you can pop a card when your opponent activates an effect! This works on both turns as it is continuous. You can also special summon one banished Dark Dragon Synchro Monster with this which is useful for bringing back Red Supernova Dragon to reuse its ability twice a turn, Red Rising Dragon when you banish it for its graveyard effect, or for those who like using Obsessive Uvualoop. Definitely run 1!
Fiendish Golem
Our final trap is a reference to Fiendish Chain, a powerful trap card Jack Atlas used in the anime. It expands more on the Fiendish Chain artwork, and zooms in close to the golem. It is searchable off Vision Resonator and Crimson Gaia and can banish a monster with 2000 or more attack. You can use this on your opponent to disrupt them or use it on your own Red Dragon monsters to save them like Interdimensional Matter Transporter and potentially bring them back immediately with Red Zone. The second effect similar to Absolute Powerforce is a bit too situational but there to encourage the usage of the original Fiendish Chain. I would still not recommend running the original Fiendish Chain as it is too situational. This card is a personal preference to run, and there has been debate so its 0-1. I personally do like running the one copy, but feel free to decide for yourself if it's a worthy inclusion in your deck or not!
4. Main deck options!
The new support is great, but what about the rest of your deck? Below I will list many powerful options to consider in your Red Dragon Archfiend deck when making one! Most of these will be included in the new structure deck!
Wandering King Wildwind
Arguably the only other level 4 needed besides the new Bone Archfiend. Used to be $20 for a copy with only one printing but has been reprinted Ghost From The Past: The 2nd Haunting and will be in the new structure deck. A free special summon with a Resonator on board and searches for a Resonator next turn. Definitely 3 copies for me! With Crimson Resonator, you don't need to use your normal summon at all before climbing the ranks to your strongest Red Dragon Archfiend Monsters.
Crimson Resonator
Released in the first wave of Red Dragon Archfiend support in Eternity Code, one of your main combo cards and a necessity in the deck. Special summons from hand if you control no monster and is the card you want to bring back with Red Rising Dragon. Send this to the graveyard with Bone Archfiend! Generates up to two additional Resonators from deck if effect activates allowing for easy double or triple tuning. Handtrap on this card does hurt! Run 2-3X, I personally run 3!
Creation Resonator
A semi-expensive card used in previous formats outside of Resonators due to its non-restrictive effect. Widely debated whether to continue usage or not after Soul Resonator was released. Is a personal preference but can be used to easily make Red Supernova Dragon and Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss in a simple combo listed below. Used to be used with Witch of the Black Forest. It can be recurred back to hand with Synkron Resonator and its ability is not once per turn so it can special summon itself over and over. Can be used as tribute fodder for Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane. Run 0-1X, I personally continue to run 1.
Special Crimson Resonator, Special Wandering King Wildwind/Lv 4 Fiend, Make Red Rising Dragon, Revive Crimson Resonator, Crimson Resonator Summon Creation Resonator and Synkron Resonator,
Special Wandering King Wildwind/Lv 4 Fiend, Make 2nd Red Rising Dragon, revive Crimson Resonator, Make Red Supernova Dragon, Synkron Resonator effect in graveyard to add back Creation Resonator to hand,
Special Summon Creation Resonator, Make Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss.
Notes: This standard 3-card combo can take one normal summon anywhere. Important to make 2nd Red Rising Dragon before making Red Supernova Dragon or you won't be able to make Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss.
To level up this combo, try incorporating Vision Resonator somewhere if you have Bone Archfiend for an additional spell and trap card search. This combo used to use Witch of the Black Forest, but also easy to execute with Soul Resonator now.
Great combo to learn to start off and develop and experiment from here! Try to aim for a similar endboard when first learning the deck!
Synkron Resonator
A great card to extend your combos and turn your level 8 Red Dragon Archfiend monsters into Level 9 Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss's. Abyss can then be turned into Bystial Dis Pater or Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane. Recurrs a Resonator back to hand when sent from field to graveyard to help maintain your resources. Personal preference on how many to run with numbers ranging from 1-3X. I personally like 3x to see it as often as I can in my starting hand for extensions, to be able to recur back Resonators, and to ensure my Red Rising Dragon's secondary effect is live but feel free to experiment!
Chain Resonator
Used to be ran as a one of when Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon was still around as it was Light attribute. These days, it can still be ran as a one of depending on your preference. Helps extend if someone(usually you) has a synchro monster on the field. It does need a normal summon so be careful of that if you hadn't already normal summoned something like Soul Resonator for the turn, the card could be dead! Some people have been seen running 1 Synkron Resonator and 1Chain Resonator as their only level 1's. Run 0-1 depending on preference, I personally am on 0.
Red Resonator
Simply outclassed these days. You rarely need it's normal summon effect as everything can tutor itself out and the life point gain is ok sometimes, perhaps going into time. Maybe if you need an extra level two, its preference. I tried to include it in my build but it wasn't doing much. Run 0X-2X depending on preference.
Obsessive Uvualoop
Another widely debated card. Some builds run it, some don't. Can be a nice extension tool with cards such as Red Zone bringing a banished Dark Dragon back on your opponent's turn and useful for some combos but it's up for personal debate and preference. Run 0-1. I personally run 0.
Witch of the Black Forest
Used to be great without the new support and was a 3X. Nowadays she is too slow, but still an honorable mention here as I see some people still playing her. You should run 0 of this card as it is not necessary anymore.
Magical King Moonstar
You can run Moonstar if you want. With Soul Resonator, it turns into a Red Rising Dragon and can modulate levels as well. I think Wandering King Wildwind and Bone Archfiend is enough though.
Red Familiar
A nice reference to the spirit that Jack fought to obtain Red Nova Dragon. Sadly not that great and a bit too slow. Run 0, at most 1 if you want to try.
Red Sprinter
A starter, but too conditional and slow. You much rather normal summon Soul Resonator, or if you special Crimson Resonator then this card is useless as well. Run 0.
Red Gardna
I have seen a few players using this card. It's very situational, and with Nova's having built-in protection and Soul Resonator protection, this is not really necessary.
Primitive Butterfly
Similar to Vice Dragon but only relies on you having no monsters. Can modulate levels and was used in the past, but no longer necessary these days. Run 0 in most occasions unless you want to try this as an extender option.
Resonator Call
Searcher for all your Resonator cards. Most people run 2-3. I would personally run 3.
Burning Soul
Only run if you want to try King Calamity turbo on your opponent's turn. Otherwise not very good.
Scarlet Security
Situational Harpies Feather Duster. Run 0-1x, and even if 1 run it in side deck.
Red Dragon Vase
Sounds good drawing two cards, but the restrictions are insane. Run 0x.
Monster Reborn
Classic card for an extension. Very flexible, can revive something to make a Synchro or revive a big boss like Red Supernova Dragon. Some players have argued this card is not necessary or redundant though. Run 0-1X. I like to run 1 for the extra extension.
Foolish Burial
Run 0-1 at most to put something like Bone Archfiend or Vision Resonator into the graveyard. I run 0, but it is an option for some players.
Pot of Desires vs Pot of Prosperity
While Pot of Prosperity helps you dig through your deck for more specific cards, you must banish cards from your extra deck, and your opponent only takes half damage. It is also a more expensive option. Players choose to run 1-2X. Pot of Desires is a more affordable option where you run 3X of most of your combo pieces and get draw power that way. You don't get to pick a specific card, but you are able to draw two new cards without any other drawbacks! It is a cheaper card and still works decently well for draw power and strength! I am currently on 2 Pot of Desires myself and recommend 0-2X if going this route, great budget option.
Small World and Resonator Command
A few more options for search cards you can use. Some players use Small World so make sure you know the different lines 0-3X. Resonator Command is a bit more risky with a discard but very budget option, I personally wouldn't run it since there are better options around but you could try it, potential 1-2X.
Called by the Grave and Handtraps
To add a bit more disruption to your deck. Try to spice your deck up with Called by the Grave and various handtraps of your choosing! Some handtraps like Ash Blossom, Effect Veiler and Ghost Ogre are tuners which can help your deck!
Red Reign
A powerful trap, but unsearchable. If you open with this card, it could be a game changer. Free discard with Bone Archfiend and can chain block. Run 0-1X.
Time to Stand Up
Amazing artwork referencing Jack Atlas vs Fake Jack Atlas duel, highly encourage to watch that duel if you haven't already or rewatch, it is amazing. Sadly this trap card is too slow to setup, and it's graveyard effect is situational at best. Run 0X.
Synchro Call
Can be useful with King Calamity setups, otherwise not that great.
Red Supremacy
Going to mention this just for the fact you can make the original name of another Red Dragon Archfiend monster into the original for funny Absolute Powerforce shenanigans. 0 most of the time, 1 if you want to try something funny.
Red Screen
Stall card, you may have seen this a long time ago. Might be funny in stall strategies. Run 0 most of the time.
Crimson Fire
Potential side option against burn decks. Still very situational. Run 0, 1 if you really want to push it and even then put it in side.
Not-so-great cards
There are a few cards potentially that you might find in the structure deck that aren't so great. Here are some you probably shouldn't use.
- Other Resonators/Resonator cards not mentioned
- Other Red Dragon Archfiend cards not mentioned
- Red Cards not mentioned like Red Warg
- Dangers
- Vice Dragon
- Battle Fader
- Fiends like Phantom King Hydride
- Absolute King Back Jack
- Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode
- Majestic Red Dragon
- Powerful Rebirth
- King's Synchro
- Pot of Extravagance
- Terrors of the Overroot
- Red Wyvern
- Red Cocoon
- King Scarlet
- Reject Reborn
5. Engines and Variants to Consider!
Here are some wonderful engines and different variants that pair well with Red Dragon Archfiends!
Supay/Ascator Engine
3X Duskwalker and Supay for easy Red Rising Dragon(recommended) or 3X Ascator and 1X Fire Ant for Level 8 Dragon which was useful for Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon back in the day.
Assault Engine
Used to be a great option, not as great anymore but you can still try it for yourself!
Bystial Engine
All Dark Dragons, some players find that Bystials have great synergy and make stronger combos, one issue might be consistency and bricking! Give it a try!
Dark fiend synergy, a common combo is Crimson Resonator + Level 4 Labrynth Servant.
Great Small World Bridge!
6. Extra deck monsters!
Now that we have a main deck, let's look at what cards to include in our extra deck!
Red Rising Dragon
Think of this as our Junk Speeder for Red Dragon Archfiends. Your main starter that brings back a Resonator after being summoned. Usually the target is Crimson Resonator. A big choke point for handtraps and Infinite Impermanence so be careful! Run 3, no question.
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity
Used by a lot of other decks to lock your opponent on their turn. Great for double tuning. Makes sure nothing on the field can interact with you as long as this card is the last thing to be chained. Destruction burn to help with OTK's and revival effect helps. Try with Burning Soul. Run 0-1X. I would personally run 1.
Red Nova Dragon
The Original Level 12 Dragon for Red Dragon Archfiends. Eventually got upgraded to Red Supernova Dragon. Still very useful in certain combos and helps trigger Soul Resonator protection and Red Zone as well. Destruction and Battle protection, and can still gain a lot of attack to OTK. Run 0-1. I would run 1.
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane
Monster reborn for your Red Dragon Archfiends. Can also bring back two tuners(deck and graveyard, one each) upon battle damage which can then help with further tuning or fodder for his revival effect. Run 1.
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss
One of your main monsters you want to end with. Omni negate for anything your opponent uses. Chain to a trap card like Red Zone to stop cards like Dark Ruler No More! Run 1-2X. I recommend 2x to have a backup.
Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend
Arc-V Jack Atlas ace monster. Synergizes well with Soul Resonator and Red Zone. Burn effect not once per turn so you can use Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane to revive back and burn again. Helps push for OTKS. Used as a generic synchro in many other decks.
Red Dragon Archfiend
5ds Jack Atlas ace monster. Synergizes well with Soul Resonator and Red Zone. Use with Crimson Gaia to destroy all your opponents monsters with it's second effect. Remember to attack with your cards or this will destroy them at the end phase, use Soul Resonator to protect if necessary. Run 1-2X, I find one is usually enough for me.
Scar-Red Dragon Archfiend
Discussed above. Synergizes well with Soul Resonator and Red Zone. Use with Crimson Gaia after Synchro summoning with this to bring it back. Helps extend further Synchros and is a mini Chaos Ruler. Run 1X.
Bystial Dis Pater
A new level 10 that helps us extend with it's first effect, acts as additional negation with it's second effect. Run 1X.
Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend
With only two printings, this card is around $10. Secondary boss monster and double tuning of Arc-V anime. Can destroy all other cards on the field but only he can attack. Second effect is not as relevant but can help with some trap decks, was more there from the anime with the usage of action cards. Personal preference but run 0-1X. I still like the 1 of Tyrant.
Red Supernova Dragon
Our boss monster. Triple tuning is unique to us. Mirrors the original Red Nova Dragon but added effect of banishing all of opponent's cards when they activate a monster effect or battle. Returns during your NEXT end phase. Run 1X no question.
Ancient Pixie Dragon
Our level 7 synchro monster. Needed since sometimes you might end up with odd levels. It's first effect isn't too relevant as we didn't get a field spell in the structure deck but the second effect may come up sometimes if opponent has field spell. 3000 defense is nice as well. Run 1X.
Void Ogre Dragon
Extra negation, but requires no cards in hand. Run 0-1X.
Buster Dragon
Not very common option, but used by a few to help Dragon lock some of your opponent's deck. Run 0-1X.
7. Upcoming Options
Here are a few upcoming support for Red Dragon Archfiend to consider!
Earthbound Immortal Stone Sweeper
If a card is in a Field Zone, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper" once per turn this way. You can discard this card; add 1 Level 3 or lower Fiend Tuner from your Deck to your hand, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Fusion and Synchro Monsters. You can only use this effect of "Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper" once per turn.
Extender if the opponent has field spell which does come up somewhat often. However, this is 3x more copies of Resonator call to help search for any Resonator. Definitely run 2-3X when it arrives in the TCG. I personally am on 3 which nets me 12 total ways to get to Soul Resonator(3X Crimson Gaia, 3X Resonator Call, 3X Soul Resonator, 3X Earthbound Immortal Stone Sweeper). Lorewise, Earthbound Immortals have always connected with Red Dragon Archfiends in a way so it is exciting to incorporate this card in the future.
Synchro Rumble
Great Artwork of Red Dragon Archfiend but sadly is more Signer and Crimson Dragon (card) support than Red Dragon Archfiend support. Can still use it in Red Dragon Archfiends but not searchable. Similar to Monster Reborn which seems superior. Run 0-1X.
Kuibelt the Blade Dragon
Possible replacement for Ancient Pixie Dragon for our Level 7 spot. Comes out in Duelist Nexus. Pops a card upon Synchro summon where pixie is more conditional. Wish it worked upon Special Summon. Also small attack stopping effect.
8. Sample Decklist
9. Hopes for the future
- More retrains of classic Jack Atlas monsters - Vice Dragon
- Level 7 optimized for deck - Exploder Dragonwing Retrain
- New Boss Monster - Hypernova Dragon
- Field spell to work with Earthbound Immortal Stone Sweeper and Ancient Pixie Dragon
10. Conclusion
Thanks for reading my article on Red Dragon Archfiend's. I am super excited for this structure deck to come out on September 22, 2023 if you couldn't tell already. I cannot wait to build this deck to play with, and I hope some of you have learned something new about Red Dragon Archfiends and plan on joining me on this adventure with this deck. This deck is super fun to play with and there are many playstyles you can choose with this deck. While I am happy with this new support for Red Dragon Archfiends, I am still left wanting more and I do hope more support will eventually come for this deck. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to let me know. Until next time Kingus, remember to keep up your BURNING SOUL!