I'll try my best to remember everything that happen with the deck and the plays between me and my opponents.
Disclaimer; I was operating on 3 hours of sleep, got up at 7 am, and didn't get home till like 2 am, so my memories of all the day might not be 100% correct and I'm only remember only the key details and plays through the day.
Tournament Report
Round 1 - vs Pendulum Magician
And here I thought I was the only one playing a deck from 2015/2016 metagame.
Game 1, I lost the dice roll and my opponent went first. I assumed he didn't have a good hand, because he started it off with Clash of the Dracorivials, which ended with him summoning Vector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord to his field and placing Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer in his scale and then placing Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to his scale as well. In the end phase he destroyed Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to get Performapal Skullcrobat Joker.
I opened up with Storming Mirror Force, Solemn Strike, Card of Demise, Kozmo Tincan, and Kozmotown. I activated Kozmotown, summoned Kozmo Tincan, set everything, and then activated Card of Demise, drawing into Fairy Tail - Snow, Kozmo Sliprider, and a Paleozoic Olenoides, which I set right away. In the end phase, I discarded my hand and used Kozmo Tincan's effect and chose Kozmo Dark Destroyer, Kozmo Forerunner, and Kozmo Dark Eclipser. My opponent chose Kozmo Dark Eclipser for me.
During his turn, he summoned Performapal Skullcrobat Joker to get Performapal Lizardraw, which he activated right away and I responded right away with Paleozoic Olenoides. He moved into battle phase and I responded with Storming Mirror Force to send everything back to his hand Paleozoic Olenoides's effect to bring itself back. He set 1 card back row and pass, in the end phase, I activated Kozmo Tincan's effect again and chose Kozmo Sliprider, Kozmoll Dark Lady, and another Kozmo Dark Eclipser. He chose Kozmo Sliprider.
During my turn, I draw into Pot of Desires. I attempted to activate Pot of Desires and he responded with Solemn Scolding. I moved into battle phase, first attacking with Paleozoic Olenoides then I used Kozmo Tincan to tag out to summoned Kozmo Sliprider and swing with him. He thought I was out of attacking monsters at that point, until I activated Fairy Tail - Snow's effect to summon her back to swing for game.
During side decking, I side deck out my Paleozoic Leanchoilia and Paleozoic Dinomischus for 2 Twin Twisters. He let me go first.
I opened up with a Kozmo Tincan, Card of Demise, Call of the Haunted, Kozmoll Wickedwitch, and Paleozoic Canadia. I summoned Kozmo Tincan, set my 2 traps and activated Card of Demise, drawing into Kozmo Dark Destroyer and Foolish Burial, which I activated to send Fairy Tail - Snow to grave. In the end phase I used Kozmo Tincan's effect to chose Kozmo Sliprider, Kozmo Forerunner, and Kozmo Dark Eclipser. My opponent chose Kozmo Sliprider for me.
He didn't open that well, as he activated Performapal Recasting to shuffle back 2 Performapal monsters to draw 3 cards. He placed Guiding Ariadne and set 1 card and passed. In the end, I activated Kozmo Tincan's effect again and chose Kozmo Farmgirl, Kozmoll Dark Lady, and another Kozmo Dark Eclipser. He chose Kozmo Farmgirl.
I drew into another Kozmoll Wickedwitch. I summoned Kozmo Farmgirl and move into battle phase. I swing with Kozmo Farmgirl and attempted to activate her effect to search, which was met by his Solemn Scolding again. He didn't paid LP due to his Guiding Ariadne's Pendulum scale effect. I tagged out Kozmo Tincan for Kozmoll Wickedwitch, swing with her. Then activated Call of the Haunted to bring back Kozmo Dark Destroyer, dealing another 3000 damage, then activating Fairy Tail - Snow's effect to summoned her back and swing for game.
Current record: Win - x-0
Round 2 - vs 55 Cards Shaddoll Train Kaiju Invoked
And here I thought, I was the only one playing some crazy high count deck...
He won the dice roll and open up real good, ending with Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora with a Heavy Freight Train Derricrane attached. I opened up badly, with Oasis of Dragon Souls, Raigeki, Kozmo Strawman, and Paleozoic Olenoides. I used Raigeki to try to destroy his Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora which he responded with his effect to protect it. I set everything and pass my turn.
During his turn, he was about to summoned another Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora and that when I realized, I couldn't beat his board and scoop.
During side decking, I side deck out my Paleozoic Leanchoilia, Paleozoic Dinomischus, Kozmojo and both Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit for the Kaiju engine. I selected to go first.
My opening hand was bad. Opening with Card of Demise, Pot of Duality, Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju, Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju, and Kozmo Tincan. I used Kozmo Tincan's effect which ultimately ended with me adding Kozmo Dark Eclipser to my hand. During his turn he started off with Interrupted Kaiju Slumber, I responded by tagging out Kozmo Tincan for Kozmo Dark Eclipser, and banished to add Kozmo Strawman to my hand. He ended up giving me Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju and him Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju. He summoned Aleister the Invoker to add Invocation which he used right away to summoned Invoked Mechaba, by banished my Kozmo Forerunner. He swung over his Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju with his Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju and then sung with Invoked Mechaba. I draw into another Pot of Duality and then realized I couldn't do much with my hand. I summoned Kozmo Strawman and used his effect to summoned back Kozmo Dark Eclipser and then summoned my Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju. I moved into battle phase and tried to beat over his Invoked Mechaba with Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju, but forgot about his Aleister the Invoker in his hand that he added back, which gave Invoked Mechaba an extra 1000 ATK. Once I realized I couldn't beat over his board and my bad hand with 3 cards I couldn't really used, I scooped it up.
Current record: Lost - x-1
Round 3 - vs Bye
So here's the story, I sat down and greeted my opponent and got out my deck and mat ready and as my opponent started to get his deck out. He realized he was missing something; his deck.
I don't know if it was stolen or he misplaced it, but he left after realizing that his deck was missing and I never saw him after that.
Current record: Win - x-1
Round 4- vs 60 Cards Lightsworn
I lost the die roll. He open up really well with Brilliant Fusion, sending Gem-Knight Garnet and Performapal Trickclown to get Gem-Knight Seraphinite on board. He summoned back Performapal Trickclown by taking 1000. He used his extra normal summon to summon Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn and used his mill effect to mill a Shiranui Spiritmaster and Fairy Tail - Snow. Then normal summoned Uni-Zombie and used its effect to send Mezuki to the grave. Then overlay his Performapal Trickclown and Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn to make Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn and then milled a Gozuki, another Fairy Tail - Snow, and Charge of the Light Brigade. Finally he banished Mezuki from is grave to bring back Gokuzi, sync his Gokuzi and Uni-Zombie together to make PSY-Framelord Omega and pass turn.
I draw and in standby, he used his PSY-Framelord Omega to return his Mezuki to grave. I open up with Emergency Teleport, Artifact Scythe, Kozmo Sliprider, and Foolish Burial. I Foolish Burial for Fairy Tail - Snow, set the Artifact Scythe and moved into end phase, activating Emergency Teleport summoning Kozmo Tincan. I activated Kozmo Tincan's effect choosing Kozmo Dark Destroyer, Kozmoll Dark Lady, and Kozmo Dark Eclipser. He chose Kozmo Forerunner and then banished Kozmo Tincan for Kozmo Forerunner. During his turn, he Twin Twister my back row, hitting my Artifact Scythe, thus triggering his effect. From there, we had a back and forth battle over the next few turns, until I ran out of moment and couldn't make and more plays and scooped it up.
During side decking, I side deck out my Paleozoic Leanchoilia, Paleozoic Dinomischus, and Kozmo Forerunner, and for both Artifact Lancea and another Kozmo Forerunner. I selected to go first.
I open up extremely well. With Kozmo Tincan, Pot of Desires, Card of Demise, Pot Duality, and Call of the Haunted. I started with Pot of Duality getting a Solemn Strike. Then played Pot of Desires to get into Artifact Sanctum and Paleozoic Canadia. I summoned Kozmo Tincan, set everything, and played Card of Demise, drawing into Kozmotown and another backrow. In the end phase I used Kozmo Tincan's effect to choose Kozmo Dark Destroyer, Kozmo Forerunner, and Kozmo Dark Eclipser. My opponent chose Kozmo Forerunner for me.
I assumed he would sided out his The Grass Looks Greener once he realized he was facing another 60 card deck, but he decided to keep it in and he opened with it, milling 13 cards. He unfortunately, wasn't able to mill any Fairy Tail - Snow. He activated Charge of the Light Brigade to mill 2 more cards, not hitting anything good. He summoned Raiden, Hand of the Light Lightsworn and mill 2 more cards, again, not milling anything he needed. He summoned Gokuzi from his grave with Mezuki and overlay for Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn and mill again, still not hitting the Fairy Tail - Snow. He attempted to swing into my Kozmo Tincan and I tagged out for Kozmo Forerunner. He passed turn. I drew Maxx "C" for turn and that was when time was called. I swung into his Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn with Kozmo Forerunner and he milled 3 more cards, still not getting anything he needed. I pass turn.
In his standby phase, I drop Maxx "C", he decided to take it all for a risk, which ended with me getting 5 draws, before I stop his plays by using Artifact Sanctum to get Artifact Scythe to stop any more plays from him.
I drew for turn and from the Maxx "C", I had drawn a Kozmo Farmgirl and Raigeki and that was enough for him to concede, ending our duel in a draw.
Current record: Draw - x-1-1
Round 5 - vs Zoodiac Invoked
I won the dice roll and stared off. My opening was very strong, with Kozmo Tincan, Oasis of Dragon Souls, Artifact Sanctum, Paleozoic Olenoides, and Emergency Teleport. I summoned Kozmo Tincan and set everything besides the Emergency Teleport. In the end phase I used Kozmo Tincan's effect and got Kozmo Dark Destroyer, sending Kozmo Forerunner and Kozmo Dark Eclipser to the grave. He started off by using special summoning Speedroid Terrortop, getting Speedroid Taketonberg, and special summoning it, too which I responded with Artifact Sanctum to summoned Artifact Scythe. He set 1 card and pass. In the end phase, I used Kozmo Tincan's effect to get Komoll Wickedwitch, sending Kozmo Sliprider and another Kozmo Dark Eclipser to the grave. Still in the end phase, I used Oasis of Dragon Souls to get back Kozmo Sliprider to destroyed his set Solemn Strike. I drew and summoned Kozmoll Wickedwitch, switch Kozmo Sliderider into Attack position and moved into battle phase. I destroy both his Speedroid Terrortop and Speedroid Taketomborg and once I showed him Kozmo Dark Destroyer and still my Emergency Teleport in hand, he knew I had the Kozmo Farmgirl OTK and scooped.
During side decking, I side deck out both my Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit for D.D. Crow. He chose to go first.
He opens up really strong, ending with a Zoodiac Drident and Invoked Raijin and 2 set backrow. I started off with Pot of Desires, banishing 10 cards to be met with his Imperial Order. I set 2 cards and summoned Kozmo Tincan and end my turn. In the end phase, I used Kozmo Tincan's effect, which he responded with his Zoodiac Drident, but I tagged out for Kozmo Sliprider, destroying his Imperial Order. I got Kozmo Dark Destroyer off of Kozmo Tincan, sending Kozmo Forerunner and Kozmo Dark Eclipser to the grave.
I don't remember much of the turns that happen after this, but it ended with him clearing his board and getting him down to 500 LP after swinging with all my monsters and clearing his board with an Emergency Teleport in hand. I sat there for a good few minutes thinking if I had anyway to game him this turn. I had already used my Kozmo Farmgirl to search and banished to poke for damage. I thought if Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit had any attack points and if that was enough to deal damage. It wasn't until I remember that I still had Kozmo Strawman in my deck and that Kozmo Strawman had 500 ATK, enough for me to end the game that turn.
Current record: Win - x-1-1
Round 6- vs Artifact Wind Witches Invoked
I don't remember much from this game due to how fast it went.
I won the dice roll and sat on Imperial Order to make me win the first game.
During side decking, I side deck out my Paleozoic Leanchoilia and Paleozoic Dinomischus for D.D. Crow. He chose to go first.
He started off with by using Magical Meltdown to get Aleister the Invoker. He summoned Aleister the Invoker to search out Invocation and used Invocation right away sending his Aleister the Invoker and Windwitch - Ice Bell to summon out Invoked Raijin.
From there we had a back and forth turns. Finally we ended with him having out an indestructible Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon versus my Komoll Wickedwitch and Kozmo Forerunner. I drew into Fairy Tail - Snow for turn and had to read Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon multiples times to figure how to get rid of it. I thought of summoning Fairy Tail - Snow and trying to flip it facedown, but realized I would lose Fairy Tail - Snow due to Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon’s effect. I sat there thinking for a while, until it finally hit me. I summoned Fairy Tail - Snow and decline to use her effect. And then simply overlay Fairy Tail - Snow and Kozmoll Wickedwitch for Number 39: Utopia and then ranked him up to Number S39: Utopia the Lightning to beat over his Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon.
From there he ran out of plays and scooped it up. I learn later that he sided it out his Artifact engine, but that cost him the duel, since he had no protection from the Number S39: Utopia the Lightning because of that.
Current record: Win - x-1-1
Round 7 - vs Zoodiac
My opponent won the dice roll and started off. He open up the standard Lunalight - Black Sheep combo, but he misplayed and messed up the combo, ending the board with 2 Zoodiac Broadbull on field and a Totem Bird.
I open up both Raigeki and Dark Hole, using the Raigeki to bait out his Totem Bird and then wiping out his board with Dark Hole. I summoned Kozmoll Wickedwitch and swung with her, tagged out for Kozmo Forerunner and reveal Emergency Teleport, which was enough for him to concede.
During side decking, I side deck out my Paleozoic Leanchoilia, Paleozoic Dinomischus, Kozmojo, Kozmo Sliprider, and Kozmo Wickedwitch for both D.D. Crow, both Xyz Universe, and Kozmo Forerunner. He chose to go first.
He started off strong again this time, but didn't do the Lunalight - Black Sheep combo this time, ending with a Zoodiac Dridant and Totem Bird with 2 backrow. I open subpar, ending with 3 set; Xyz Universe, Paleozoic Canadia, and Solemn Strike and Kozmo Sliprider, after he tried to destroyed my Kozmo Tincan with Zodiac Driant. During his turn I had to bait out his Totem Bird with Paleozoic Canadia so I could Xyz Universe'd his board to bring out D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga using his Zoodiac Driant and Totem Bird. I tried to used my D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga to wipe out his remaining backrow. but lost to his Solemn Strike. From here on out, I lost a lot of cards and didn't draw into anything good, so I concealed.
I started off game 3 with a strong opening, with Kozmo Tincan, 2 Xyz Universe, Storming Mirror Force, and Solemn Warning. In the end phase, I got Kozmo Dark Destroyer off of my Kozmo Tincan. During his turn I Solemn Warning'd his Zoodiac Broadbull. He Instant Fusion out Elder Entity Norden and the monster he brought back was lost to Kozmo Dark Destroyer. During my turn I swung with my Kozmo Dark Destroyer, activated Emergency Teleport to bring out Kozmo Farmgirl, swung with her, paid 500 to get Kozmoll Dark Lady, and attempted to go for game. But here is where I realized my biggest misplay that would ended up costing me the game. I subtracted the 2000 LP from his LP and not mine. Once I realized this, he was only down to 1300 LP. This mistake cost me, as my original plan was to get Kozmo Sliprider, which I would've used to clear his backrow. During his end phase, he flip his facedown card and it was Royal Decree, so I was shut down out of my 4 backrow cards.
During his turn, he forced out my Kozmoll Dark Lady with a Zoodiac Dridant that he made, but he had a Zoodiac Barrage in hand and he was able to make another Zoodiac Dridant with 47oo ATK due to having 2 Zoodiac Thoroughblade and a Zoodiac Whiptail attached.
At this point I was drawing into dead trap cards that didn't help me out. I was trying to draw into either Kozmo Sliprider to deal with the Royal Decree or a Fairy Tail - Snow to deal with the Zoodiac Dridant or ever a Card of Demise or Pot of Duality. Sadly I never drew into any of those and concealed from there. The misplay of me subtracting the 2000 LP from his LP greatly cost me game 3.
Current record: Lost - x-2-1
Round 8 - vs 60 Cards Paleozoic
I don't remember this much from this game, due to it being very back and forth between us in game 1 and taking up a majority of our match. I did manage to resolve Kozmo Tincan's sending my Kozmo Dark Eclipser to the grave, but I never drew into my revival trap, so I ran out of steam and lost game 1.
During side decking, I side deck out both Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit for Twin Twisters. I selected to go first.
I open up extremely well with opening Kozmo Tincan and my rival traps. It was around this point that time was called in the match. He manage to open up both Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries and with the first Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries attempted to hit Paleozoic Opabinia, which I wasn't running any. Ultimately, I ended our duel with both a Kozmo Dark Destroyer and Kozmo Dark Eclipser on field, with 5 Kozmo monsters in my grave.
Current record: Draw - x-2-2
Round 9 - vs Bye
Nothing too exciting for the last round. Both me and my opponent had already had our invite when we were pair up, so he just gave me the win so he could go home.
Final record: x-2-2
Final Thoughts
In the end, I ended up going x-2-2 out of 9 rounds placing 62nd out of 330 players. My mess up in Round 7 cost me from getting a top 48. Overall, I was impressed with how well this deck played out for the day and against the meta.
The presences of Kozmo Dark Destroyer and Kozmo Dark Eclipser still proved to be a big threat and the back row gather through running Card of Demise, the Artifact, and Paleozic engine put a lot of my opponents on tilt and unsure how to respond or play too.
Compare to the other builds of Kozmo; Pure, Metalfoes, Fire King, and etc. I believe running a 60 cards version with backrow disruptions is the best way to play Kozmo until the deck ever gets more support or until the upcoming True King Kozmo build in May.
So thanks for reading all this. Until next time, k, thanks, bye