25th Anniversary Rarity Collection Imported to TCG A valuable reprint set from the OCG is making its way over to the TCG, with great cards such as Pot of Prosperity and Triple Tactics Talent.

The 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection, a 79-card reprint set, is set to release in the TCG on November 3, 2023. All cards in the set are to be available in any of seven rarities, including two new "Prismatic" styles.

Cards already announced for the set include Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Pot of Prosperity, Baronne de Fleur, and Borreload Savage Dragon. As this is an imported OCG set, it can be expected that it will match its counterpart, aside from the TCG-banned Maxx "C".  More info on the pack can be found on Konami's website.

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