2 New Cards: Rikka 2 new cards revealed for Power of the Elements.

Rikka White Princess

Level 4 WATER

Plant / Effect

You can only use each of the effects of this card once per turn.

During your Main Phase: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, also while this card is face-up in your monster zone, you cannot Special Summon monsters, except Plant monsters.

When your opponent activates a monster effect while you control a "Rikka" Monster: You can shuffle this card from your hand or GY into the Deck, then Tribute 1 Plant monster you control; Negate that effect.

Rikka Snowfall

Field Spell

You can only use the effect of this card once per turn.

If you control a "Rikka" Monster: You can set 1 "Rikka" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of the turn, except Plant monsters.

Once per turn, if you would Tribute a Plant monster(s) you control to activate the effect of a "Rikka" card, you can Tribute 1 face-up monster your opponent controls instead of 1 of those Plant monsters.

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