Alright so basically I've been testing out this new idea of Infernoids with fire monsters and other crazy stuff going second that I just thought up of out of nowhere. It actually ended up working really well and this deck is insane against most decks. The goal is to go second and bait out your opponent's negates (breaking their board) and then use
Mystic Mine to stun them and cause them to either deck out, or you can OTK them when you get the resources since they will just keep passing their turn. The hiita combo where you link summon into hiita and special summon a monster from your opponent's graveyard is busted because then you can go into
Borrelsword Dragon and kill them that turn. Surprisingly from my experience at least, this deck really doesn't brick. It can but it has only bricked very rarely for me and the only way you can really brick is by your entire hand being just Infernoid monsters. This deck is fun to play and it's competitive. Most of the side deck I have composed is for going first because if you choose to go second game won because you win the die roll/rps they will force you to go first game 2. Also I know a lot of you probably don't like Pot of Desires, but trust me in this deck it's busted. Just try it and you'll see! Hope you guys enjoy.